Nisman Dead!

I don't have a boss, i own my law firm.
The current President got her job by 53% of the votes.
According to La Nacion and Pagina12, Nisman was a minion of the former head of SI (secret serice), Mossad and Cia. So, i guess he was not only a traitor, also he was not a reliable source of info.
Really?since when israel and the usa are our enemies?because amia and the embajada,wasnt blown by them,and your president was inn cooperation with Iran,a country that kileld more than a 100 people in this country and injured more than 300
and the former head of the SI was named by your boos,the ones taht pays you to come here and do propaganda
54% was with fraud,and elections alone,dont give legitimacy,if that was the case,hitler would be legitimate.
I have to agree with the other poster,you are a scumbag,same as with the other k,enjoy your days,it will be over in december.
I don't have a boss, i own my law firm.
The current President got her job by 53% of the votes.
According to La Nacion and Pagina12, Nisman was a minion of the former head of SI (secret serice), Mossad and Cia. So, i guess he was not only a traitor, also he was not a reliable source of info.
really?well,your boss was working with Iran,who killed more than a 100 of our citizens and injured 300,and that is not a theory,that is the fact
The former head if the SI was named by your boss,to his position.
voted dont liegitimaze a ruler,if that was the case,hitler would be legitimate,he was not,and yoor bou is not also.
really?how??? :cool: :cool:
being a succesful lawyer?? :cool: :cool:

Any person who pay tax can evidence his income. If you expendichures are no less than 3 times your salary and you are a public officer, then people might suspect that you are corrupt.
Any person who pay tax can evidence his income. If you expendichures are no less than 3 times your salary and you are a public officer, then people might suspect that you are corrupt.
you live in la la land
be honest,do you work,lets say for army inteligence?or are you a ciber k?are you one of milani´s boys?
I don't have a boss, i own my law firm.
The current President got her job by 53% of the votes.
According to La Nacion and Pagina12, Nisman was a minion of the former head of SI (secret service), Mossad and Cia. So, i guess he was not only a traitor, also he was not a reliable source of info.
really?well,your boss was working with iran,who killed more than a 100 citizens and injured 300
and the former head of SI was named by her
you live in la la land
be honest,do you work,lets say for army inteligence?or are you a ciber k?are you one of milani´s boys?

I love when you show off your iq. Ask other members of this forum, those who are not PURE argentinians, they can tell you about it.

Here it is you who doesn't have a clear job and seems a ciber PRO.
You're really one of the lowest, most pathetic scumbags I've ever come across. Get lost.

Kirchneristas are now openly assassins. Anything for impunity, even murder.

It's time for the Argentine people to make a stand. Things have gone way too far.

Right, what about Lazaro Baez, after all the b...t he was exhonerated by the swiss justice.
I love when you show off your iq. Ask other members of this forum, those who are not PURE argentinians, they can tell you about it.

Here it is you who doesn't have a clear job and seems a ciber PRO.
really?well,a bit difficult,since the only time I voted since 2001,was to Unen
But of course,i would preffer Macri,to kretina or the pj