Nisman Dead!

I think from what we know (which is not a lot and could all be nonsense), it is clear he committed suicide. Anything beyond is guesswork. The real question should not be who killed him, but why he killed himself.
You're really one of the lowest, most pathetic scumbags I've ever come across. Get lost.

Kirchneristas are now openly assassins. Anything for impunity, even murder.

It's time for the Argentine people to make a stand. Things have gone way too far.
agree with you
No body guards deployed while he was at home?

Ten members of the Argentine Federal Police force had been assigned to him as bodyguards, but it seems they were not deployed when he was at home.
But if the big losers in this are the government, then surely it is in there interests to present the evidence that Nisman had gathered together. Will this happen?
yes,yada yada yada

I love to read those coments where you show you iq.
By the way, read this article of La Nacion titled, precisely:
really?he was going to say to the world,the shady dealings of your boss,the usurper in the pink house,and her minions,now,we will never know

I don't have a boss, i own my law firm.
The current President got her job by 53% of the votes.
According to La Nacion and Pagina12, Nisman was a minion of the former head of SI (secret service), Mossad and Cia. So, i guess he was not only a traitor, also he was not a reliable source of info.