Odd how the US media is barely covering this story...

dr__dawggy said:
And there is a very clear protocol for blowing smoke. ... Surely you know this.

Surely we all do know this and the odd thing about this is that we still suspend disbelief so readily, as if we wish our viewing of governments to be as illusory as watching movies. Wishing, wishing, ...
clooz said:
Surely we all do know this and the odd thing about this is that we still suspend disbelief so readily, as if we wish our viewing of governments to be as illusory as watching movies. Wishing, wishing, ...

Or as illusory as the fairy tales we learned as lads. When I was in elementary school too many years ago I was taught that the United States was always on the right side of history, that we stood up for freedom and democracy at home and abroad, that our leaders were people of integrity who could be counted on to tell us the truth about their actions.

Now that I have been around the block a few times, I know these childhood beliefs were sometimes (not always) illusions..but my first impulse despite evidence to the contrary is to want to believe the government.....that Sadam must have had weapons of mass destruction because the president said so, and on and on.....
ptolemy said:
Maybe this end to this controversy,.....http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1356300-...ar-de-los-estados-unidos?utm_source=p-toi7101

Interesting to see what the Argentine Government will say now, if anything.

"Lo dijimos desde el primer día. La situación no ameritaba el escándalo que incentivó el Gobierno. Una vez más, fuimos testigos de como se utilizó la política externa para satisfacer necesidades de política doméstica sin medir las dañinas consecuencias que acarrea para la relación argentina con los Estados Unidos en particular y las relaciones exteriores en general", planteó el legislador del Peronismo Federal.

Or google translated as:

"We said from day one. The situation did not warrant the scandal that encouraged the Government. Once again, we witnessed how foreign policy was used to satisfy domestic political needs without considering the harmful consequences that entails for the relationship with Argentina the United States in particular and foreign relations in general, "lawmaker raised the Federal Peronism.

It's this kind of elementary school behavior that holds this country back. The fact that an administration that acts this way can actually make it into office, much less get re-elected... maybe twice, is ridiculous!

There's so much potential here, but the leaders keep chopping off their noses to spite their faces. :cool:
Napoleon said:
Or google translated as:

It's this kind of elementary school behavior that holds this country back. The fact that an administration that acts this way can actually make it into office, much less get re-elected... maybe twice, is ridiculous!

There's so much potential here, but the leaders keep chopping off their noses to spite their faces. :cool:

Its election time...give the masses new holidays (particularly long weekends) and appear to stand up to the big bad Yanquis....surefire method to stay in office. That, and the usual vote buying.