Odd how the US media is barely covering this story...

dr__dawggy said:
Likewise, given their standard operating procedure it would not surprise me if Christina's government is blowing smoke to divert attention from her own actions.

Given this particular set of circumstances I would say the odds of the latter greatly outweigh the odds of the former.

The Kirchner administration can hardly have a standard operation procedure for blowing smoke. How do you get caught blowing smoke? You're comparing apples and oranges. And you're completely avoiding the fact that the U.S has been actually caught, with actual facts to back it up, once again trying to cover something up.
cbphoto said:
There is of course, the Argentine air-force transport that was caught with 650kilos of cocaine in Spain last month...that just came out in the news. I am sure that has nothing to do with anything...

I have already tried to explain this to you, but you ignored my post completely. Then I repeated myself in this thread. And I have a feeling you will ignore this post too.

You clearly believe any far fetched theory, as long as it fits your opinion.
ooops..I guess at the time I didn't think it really needed a reply.
They were transporting the drugs in an Argentine Air-Force transport...
Is this not the case?
To be honest though... what is going on in relation to Libya. Now that is news!!!
A dictator of 41 years... is falling to the demands of the people. Just 1 example today... 2 airforce fighter pilots were ordered to bomb the demonstrators in the streets, ordered by Kadafi... they defected to foreign soil..saying "we will not bomb our own people..."
xibeca said:
The Kirchner administration can hardly have a standard operation procedure for blowing smoke. How do you get caught blowing smoke? You're comparing apples and oranges. And you're completely avoiding the fact that the U.S has been actually caught, with actual facts to back it up, once again trying to cover something up.

All I have seen from the K government is a vague allegation. Nothing that comes close to a list of alleged contraband.

The only facts I have seen have been provided by the US Department of State. The fact sheet provided a detailed inventory and explanation, which has not been refuted by K and her cronies.

And there is a very clear protocol for blowing smoke. It is practiced by governments all over the world. In the Middle East, for example, Lybian leaders are blaming Jews for stirring up unrest in the hope of uniting the locals against a common perceived enemy....And in Latin America, leaders routinely manufacture or exaggerate claims to blame the United States to avoid criticism of their own failures. Surely you know this.

So are the allegations against the US true? Could be. I am awaiting proof. Absent any possible motive for smuggling drugs into Argentina, I remain skeptical.
cbphoto said:
ooops..I guess at the time I didn't think it really needed a reply.

No you were and you are still deliberately ignoring the facts of the case.

1. If the Kirchner administration were involved, they would not be admitting high level of corruption? Don't you think that would lead to public demand for a public inquiry? That's hardly something you want if you have something to hide.

2. The two persons arrested have ties to enemies of the Kirchner administration. So why then would you think the Kirchner administration were involved?

cbphoto said:
They were transporting the drugs in an Argentine Air-Force transport...
Is this not the case?

So you think all high ranking people in the Air Force are sympathetic to the Kirchners? Did the thought ever crossed your mind that these people could have acted without the knowledge of the current administration?

cbphoto said:
To be honest though... what is going on in relation to Libya. Now that is news!!!
A dictator of 41 years... is falling to the demands of the people. Just 1 example today... 2 airforce fighter pilots were ordered to bomb the demonstrators in the streets, ordered by Kadafi... they defected to foreign soil..saying "we will not bomb our own people..."

Now talk about an awkward way to change the subject.
xibeca, you're avoiding the more substantive point. This is, that you seem to have made up your mind already, hence

xibeca said:
And you're completely avoiding the fact that the U.S has been actually caught, with actual facts to back it up, once again trying to cover something up.

when not only do you not provide any reason for your preference of one side over the other, but on the contrary: The State Dept. released a fairly detailed account of the story, including a description of the alleged "contraband", and the Argentine authorities have not contested this at all.

And if this list is to be believed, it would certainly appear that Argentina has, in the best case, gotten into a tizzy over something truly minor, or, alternatively, has deliberately manafactured an incident. The reasons for this is what everyone is speculating about.

What is hard to understand about this?
ben said:
xibeca, you're avoiding the more substantive point. This is, that you seem to have made up your mind already, hence

when not only do you not provide any reason for your preference of one side over the other, but on the contrary: The state dept. Released a fairly detailed account of the story, including a description of the alleged "contraband", and the argentine authorities have not contested this at all.

And if this list is to be believed, it would certainly appear that argentina has, in the best case, gotten into a tizzy over something truly minor, or, alternatively, has deliberately manafactured an incident. The reasons for this is what everyone is speculating about.

What is hard to understand about this?

ben said:
xibeca, you're avoiding the more substantive point. This is, that you seem to have made up your mind already, hence

when not only do you not provide any reason for your preference of one side over the other, but on the contrary: The State Dept. released a fairly detailed account of the story, including a description of the alleged "contraband", and the Argentine authorities have not contested this at all.

And if this list is to be believed, it would certainly appear that Argentina has, in the best case, gotten into a tizzy over something truly minor, or, alternatively, has deliberately manafactured an incident. The reasons for this is what everyone is speculating about.

What is hard to understand about this?

And then there was silence
dr__dawggy said:
All I have seen from the K government is a vague allegation. Nothing that comes close to a list of alleged contraband.

The only facts I have seen have been provided by the US Department of State. The fact sheet provided a detailed inventory and explanation, which has not been refuted by K and her cronies.

And there is a very clear protocol for blowing smoke. It is practiced by governments all over the world. In the Middle East, for example, Lybian leaders are blaming Jews for stirring up unrest in the hope of uniting the locals against a common perceived enemy....And in Latin America, leaders routinely manufacture or exaggerate claims to blame the United States to avoid criticism of their own failures. Surely you know this.

So are the allegations against the US true? Could be. I am awaiting proof. Absent any possible motive for smuggling drugs into Argentina, I remain skeptical.

The allegation, that I have understood, is not about drugs per se, but due to undeclared items in the cargo. And I also remain skeptical, I think it's strange the K admin haven't released more info given their response. Let's wait and see what happens.

Regarding blowing smoke I agree with you. It is being practiced by governments all over the world. But it's hard to prove that someone is overreacting and is blowing smoke. It's a lot easier proving they lied and tried to cover something up.

And also, I have to say. No one in Argentina seems to care much about this cargo incident. Some people haven't even heard about it that I speak to. So not much smoke to speak of IMHO.

It's also possible that U.S is resolving this issue through quiet diplomacy. That could be a reason why we haven't heard anything from the K admin.

ben said:
xibeca, you're avoiding the more substantive point. This is, that you seem to have made up your mind already...
xibeca said:
And you're completely avoiding the fact that the U.S has been actually caught, with actual facts to back it up, once again trying to cover something up.

I was referring to that U.S just admitted the American arrested in Pakistan actually is working for the CIA, which they first denied. I haven't made up my mind about this cargo plane at all.