Paris Of The South.

More like the Algiers of the South? Without the warm blue sea that is...

Someone referred to BA as Latin and I personally don't see it. I mean I know technically it is. But I hear American and UK rock music everywhere here and for me it really has a much more grungy dirty southern European feel for sure.
I lived in Colombia for a year now that's Latin! Pretty much NOTHING but salsa blasting from every cafe and bar. Not affected and dominated by US and UK culture.
And strangely I found the Colombians to be incredibly clean. They take pride in where they live.
I was walking down the street yesterday and saw a well dressed middle aged woman throw her potato chip bag directly on the ground right in front of bus stop rubbish bin.
I wanted to take that bag and shove it down her throat. Maybe that is harsh but I get the feeling it would be the most effective method.
People that do that are broken. Hence I think Argentines are broken.
Someone referred to BA as Latin and I personally don't see it. I mean I know technically it is. But I hear American and UK rock music everywhere here and for me it really has a much more grungy dirty southern European feel for sure.
I lived in Colombia for a year now that's Latin! Pretty much NOTHING but salsa blasting from every cafe and bar. Not affected and dominated by US and UK culture.

Wow, you don't know how lucky your ears are. You must not cross Cordoba very often. While one does hear a lot of rock and pop, that horrid reggaton (I call it Satan's music) and all of its various manifestations are everywhere.
Someone referred to BA as Latin and I personally don't see it. I mean I know technically it is. But I hear American and UK rock music everywhere here and for me it really has a much more grungy dirty southern European feel for sure.
I lived in Colombia for a year now that's Latin! Pretty much NOTHING but salsa blasting from every cafe and bar. Not affected and dominated by US and UK culture.

You seem to have a stereotypical idea of what "Latin" is. It's a huge region from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego (not to mention large parts of the USA), and it's not all salsa.
More like the Algiers of the South? Without the warm blue sea that is...

Well someone may go out on a limb and suggest why Algiers just might have some things in common with Paris...

Anyways, here's a snapshot of a spot on the route I often took to Paris... could easily be here. It's not even the architecture, but a certain je ne sais quoi (pun NOT intended) is definitely there.
Nah Latin is Latin. It's not Guns 'n Roses and Metallica. Buenos Aires is technically Latino but aspiring to be European and not quite making it. I've been all over South America and it's the least Latin spot. But thanks for the geography lesson.
Nah Latin is Latin. It's not Guns 'n Roses and Metallica. Buenos Aires is technically Latino but aspiring to be European and not quite making it. I've been all over South America and it's the least Latin spot. But thanks for the geography lesson.

Actually, Buenos Aires aspires to being New York - it's a New World immigrant city also filling with more recent transplants, presently from Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru instead of the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. When Porteños want to broaden their horizons, they go from Palermo SoHo to Palermo Hollywood...