Dave, great blog post about speedy internet tips. I've been a big fan of
OpenDNS since they launched.. haven't tried Google's DNS yet.. although they recently caught flak for actually being much
slower than ISP's normal DNS when it came to YouTube, iTunes streaming, and other multimedia content. Reason being that Akamai (which hosts all that huge content for Apple, etc.) serves the files from California (what they consider your closest location), since as far as they know, the request originated from Google, not from you in Argentina.. this has been a
well-known problem in Australia since GoogleDNS launched. Anyway, this is all very "inside baseball" - to be discussed over beers with other geeks if requested..
My experience here has been mixed - at my first three apartments in BA (all around San Telmo), the internet was pretty slow. But at our current place in Colegiales, we signed up for the 3Mbps special that Fibertel was running.. and guess what? The speed often
exceeds that, and rarely falls below it. Except.. after I've been bittorrenting for a while, I will notice that things have slowed to a crawl. But a simple reboot of the router fixes all that silly traffic shaping and gets things back on track. So that's obviously the first thing to try.