Suggestion For Current Bank Account For Trivial Spending?

Gonna try to get one as soon as the strike stops (just made the mistake to walk to a bank on strike day).

Also when you go to the bank - do not forget to bring an invoice in your name (something like gas, water, electricity, land line phone, cable tv etc.) as a proof of your address.
Not sure why you want to get the cuenta universal gratuita, though - when you can get the caja de ahorra for free, now. Caja de ahorra does not have the 18.000 limit - much more convenient.

Which Bank granted you a Caja de Ahorro for free recently ? to save us the effort to go beating the wrong doors?
As mentioned in my earlier post caja de ahorro accounts from all banks have no maintenance fee as of April . I also posted the link for the other fees for some banks. The banks will of course try to up-sell to a package with cuenta corriente and credit card as the caja de ahorro is not a good deal for them. The easiest will still be Banco Nación.
As mentioned in my earlier post caja de ahorro accounts from all banks have no maintenance fee as of April . I also posted the link for the other fees for some banks. The banks will of course try to up-sell to a package with cuenta corriente and credit card as the caja de ahorro is not a good deal for them. The easiest will still be Banco Nación.

Why don't you answer Rich One's question?
As mentioned in my earlier post caja de ahorro accounts from all banks have no maintenance fee as of April . I also posted the link for the other fees for some banks. The banks will of course try to up-sell to a package with cuenta corriente and credit card as the caja de ahorro is not a good deal for them. The easiest will still be Banco Nación.

My XP .. Banco Nacion 2 years ago required Residencia Permanente, No free Caja de Ahorro then
Banco Ciudad Same thing
HSBC recently claimed to ignore the Free Caja de Ahorro Account
Also when you go to the bank - do not forget to bring an invoice in your name (something like gas, water, electricity, land line phone, cable tv etc.) as a proof of your address.

They will also ask for the constancia of your CUIT/CUIL and (quite likely) the "paystubs" or other "proof" of your previous two months of income.

Good luck!
Well, as with lots of things I'm sure it will depend on the clerks humour at the moment but I read elsewhere about student visa holders specifically allowed to get an account even with precaria and university acceptance letter at BBVA/F and HSBC has this page, and Comafi has this on their page.

I mention comafi because its one of the banks my uni let's me pay from and last week when I paid my first cuota there I saw the large CGU poster from BCR.
Although "Unico requisito: presentar DNI" is in bold, the bank's page still require constancia de AFIP (CUIL) which I got from ANSES... I wonder if its the same thing, as I couldn't find the link in AFIP page. Will try tomorrow and report back.
I had zero luck opening an account at Citi despite being a permanent resident. First it was b/c I don't have pay slips, etc. Then when I navigated that, they told me they don't open accounts for US citizens. I got the same run around from Santander Rio and Galicia.

My last stop will be Banco Nacion.
Well, as with lots of things I'm sure it will depend on the clerks humour at the moment but I read elsewhere about student visa holders specifically allowed to get an account even with precaria and university acceptance letter at BBVA/F and HSBC has this page, and Comafi has thison their page.

I mention comafi because its one of the banks my uni let's me pay from and last week when I paid my first cuota there I saw the large CGU poster from BCR.
Although "Unico requisito: presentar DNI" is in bold, the bank's page still require constancia de AFIP (CUIL) which I got from ANSES... I wonder if its the same thing, as I couldn't find the link in AFIP page. Will try tomorrow and report back.

So you have a CUG from BCR???? One thing is what is in printed in a Poster or bank page ... but what the bank clerk says is something else!!!
Just to clarify Rich's question and Amigo's comment regarding when I last opened a free Caja de Ahorro I have not opened an account in the last couple of weeks.

The last account I opened was in March, 2016 before the new regulation from Banco Central came out. So at the time I opened the account it was not free. But thanks to the new regulation it has become free, now. This last account was with Banco Macro. But it was the second try with Macro. The first time (different branch) they refused to open an account for me (they wanted the proof of income that Steve mentioned, which I did not have at the time). From what I understand private banks are interested in selling you a package with checking account and credit card and so on. Somebody without proof of income will not qualify for such a package. They are simple not interested in opening an account for you.

I had no issues opening an account at the state owned Banco Nación back then. They did not ask for any proof of income. Only downside with Banco Nación are the long lines. So again based on my (limited) experience I recommend to go to Banco Nación, if you have no documentation for your income. Also if you should run into problems opening the account - try a different branch.