The Breakdown Is Here: Jail For Irregulars


Jun 14, 2010
Macri enacted the decree for a jail for foreiners without legal residence:
Maybe some of these folks can be housed there:
I would think that the present gov't would be sending out strong signals that Argentina's immigration regulations would be getting stricter.
they very possibly are looking to better control illegal immigration from neighboring countries which got out of control under thr Ks.
I could be wrong but I would think they would still give "permatourists" a serious warning to "regularize" their situation
in 1979 under the military gov't I was allowed to do just that together with thousands of Paraguayans,Uruguayans,Chileans etc.
When I told them I was from the U.S.,the milicos moved me to the head of the line.No one complained as there wee all kinds of "acomodados" then.
The previous lax attitude had to end sometime.
I guess Donald Trump is planning on building bigger jails for third world foreigners :rolleyes: B)
Over the years, posts begging advice for a situation that was clearly defined from the get-go (and also ways to bypass immigration laws) have been prolific in this forum.
It's funny that there are some that would complain about foreigners on their home countries, yet would travel to another country and completely disregard the laws of that country.

I think that it's about time that the gov addresses this subject, but I'm not sure that incarceration is the right way to go. I mean, some wouldn't mind the detention as long as they get 3 square meals per day and a place to sleep. Taxes pay for that, so in the end it wouldn't be such a resolution. I don't know why they didn't just opt for direct deportation and improving border patrols.
Over the years, posts begging advice for a situation that was clearly defined from the get-go (and also ways to bypass immigration laws) have been prolific in this forum.
It's funny that there are some that would complain about foreigners on their home countries, yet would travel to another country and completely disregard the laws of that country.

I think that it's about time that the gov addresses this subject, but I'm not sure that incarceration is the right way to go. I mean, some wouldn't mind the detention as long as they get 3 square meals per day and a place to sleep. Taxes pay for that, so in the end it wouldn't be such a resolution. I don't know why they didn't just opt for direct deportation and improving border patrols.

The only message I saw in bajo's link was that the government was designating facilities for immigration issues separate from criminal incarceration. Nothing in the link spoke to any crackdown on immigration irregulars. It may happen, but would be a different thing. If I were to be detained for an immigration issue, I would prefer that it would be separate from the general criminal population.
If I were to be detained for an immigration issue, I would prefer that it would be separate from the general criminal population.
My understanding is that that's the change. You wouldn't have been with any criminal population, since they didn't detain people for immigration issues.
Inmates at the detention center will receive salaries just like others that are locked up in Argentina. Paid vacations, ...... If you get locked up and denied benefits, see Bajo, he is a "habeas corpus" guy.