The Case Of The 22 Year Old Virgin... Could It Happen Here ?

It is not easy to get a "military quality assault rifle that sprays a million bullets a second" (or even more than one without pulling the trigger again) unless "you" are one of the following:

(1) the Secretary of Agriculture
(2) the Secretary of Energy
(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services
(4) the Secretary of Transportation
(5) the Secretary of Defense
(6) the Secretary of Commerce

They are all authorized to procure the weapons pursuant to an Executive Order written by President Obama on March 16, 2012 entitled, "NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS". This gives him sole authority to seize control over all resources in the nation (labor, food, industry, etc.) as long as it is done "to promote the national defense".

Here's the link to the official solicitation for short burst semi automatic "machine guns" by the Dept. of Agriculture:

The purchase of 1.6 billion hollow point bullets by the Dept. of Homeland Security has been "explained" as a "cost saving" bulk purchase of ammo to be used for "training" exercises.


The "Puffington Post" article failed to ask one important question: Training for what?

I wonder how many remember presidential candidate Obama saying that "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Should we just issue guns to everyone and call it a day?

It's probably already too late for that.

Edit: I found this in the results of a google seach after submitting the above post: http://www.shtfplan....-force_02042013

Once again, "they" are attacking our precious personal freedoms! ¡Ametralladoras para todos!
It will not happen here. Every boy gets laid here in Argentina. In fact, if we could him the good life here, the loser boy's life and others' could have been saved.
What a pity! Que lastima!!
You forgot the Dept. Of Education, which has its own SWAT team.
To collect delinquent student loans.

I was just thinking about the Department of Education as I clicked to see your post, but I wasn't thinking about student loan collection.

It occurred to me for a fleeting instant that a "better" use of "federal funds for firearms" would be to put armed (federal) guards in schools, but, given the anti-gun indoctrination of today's public school aged children, the presence of a real gun (even in the hands of a "good" guy) would probably traumatize them too much to learn anything.

They also would probably also lose their appetite and suffer malnutrition, unable to eat their "Michelle Obama’s Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act" compliant lunch (except for the kid in the corner nibbling his Pop Tart into the shape of a pistol).

Edit: The Agriculture Department has delayed "for two years a requirement that all pastas in schools be whole-grain rich, or more than half whole grain, if they can demonstrate that they have had "significant challenges" in preparing whole-grain pasta."

At least they will now have plenty of time to get the firepower (machine guns) to enforce the requirement when the delay expires.

Yeah, in Argentina the more common crime is to kill the woman AFTER you get laid and you suspect that she might leave you.
Yeah, in Argentina the more common crime is to kill the woman AFTER you get laid and you suspect that she might leave you.
Actually it is the woman who cuts off man's manhood after she suspects that he is leaving her, The opposite problem.
We need more gringo to come here to improve the situation.
Actually it is the woman who cuts off man's manhood after she suspects that he is leaving her, The opposite problem.
We need more gringo to come here to improve the situation.

it is both.