The worst pizza in the world?

almagestos said:
By the way! excuse me but you´re all losers

22 pages complaining about our pizza and food????

Come on!!!

Hahaha... that's because these are all expats complaining to one another and this is not necessarily directed towards natives like yourself. I agree with you though.

razal said:
such a heated topic..... who out there wants to start an American NYC/ Chicago style pizza place with me??? Palermo chetos and extranjeros will wait in line for hours just for one slice....

Don't even get me started on NYC vs. Chicago -- not that you can really compare a NYC slice to those doughy, over-sized casseroles they like to call 'pizza' out there in Chicago ;) Good? Maybe. Pizza? Certainly not.
Bailey Essrog said:
Don't even get me started on NYC vs. Chicago -- not that you can really compare a NYC slice to those doughy, over-sized casseroles they like to call 'pizza' out there in Chicago ;) Good? Maybe. Pizza? Certainly not.

I'm from Chicago so I have the right to say this:

Chicago pizza should not be rated by a number of stars but by a number of chins.
I would say there is some really good pizza in Buenos Aires, you just need to know where to find it. It is almost as if BA is over saturated with Pizzas parlors. With that said, there is going to be a lot of poor quality, mediocre pizza.
I had mentioned something about Smoking BBQ somewhere in the last 22 pages, so I thought I would post a picture of the outside and the inside of a famous spot in the Lone Star Sate:

Cooper's BBQ:


Their version of a Parrilla:

BTW, even this crap is far, FAR better than 99.9% of the pizza in Argentina:

Skip the $41 Burger. The 99-Cent Pizza Will Do.

Mentioned in that article, though, is some truly exceptional pizza:

Pizza experts said the rise of dollar pizza was an economy-driven counterpoint to New York’s more celebrated high-end pizza. Last year, Di Fara Pizza in Brooklyn, widely considered one of the best in the city because each pie is handmade by the owner using imported ingredients from Italy, raised the price of a plain slice to $5.

Worth the trip and the money if you happen to be in Brooklyn.
pauper said:
I'm amazed and relieved that someone else has had the courage to stand up and say something. I've been an in the closet BA pizza hater for some time now and have felt disgust and self hatred thinking I was the only one. This feels so liberating!

I HATE pizza in Buenos Aires!!

Yeah. As a person that KNOWS what is good muzzarella, a cheese lover in general, I have to say the cheese here has no taste at all.
You must understand the fact that we don't like spicy stuff as much as... perhaps the rest of the world :) (i don't know)
I have noted too many times how people going to the US or Mexico or whatever, complain about how spicy the food is. And it will happen the same to me, as I can't stand salty and spicy food.
In fact, it is customary here to associate spices as a way to hinder bad food.
Am I too much used to healthy home-made cooking?
With the excpetion of spicy-by-design food as empanadas, I do realize why you hate it.
I love asado with nothing. Yes, I may add some chimichurri to the vacío or the costilla, but not all the time.
Even chimichurri is not THAT spicy for most americans/mexicans that come here. And to us is THE hot stuff to put on.
ABout italian food. Half of our grand-mothers are italians, and cooked for us until they died. Don't come and tell me what italian food is when most of you had to "eat out" to "learn" what is is. And that depends on the chef.

Remember, remember: Spice hinders bad food. Learn to taste the ingredients.
Am I too much used to healthy home-made cooking?

Bills...Since when are spices unhealthy?
As for Italian cooking here, have you spent much time in Italy? The Italian food here is NOT the same. To begin with, Argentine cheese is generally poor quality. Even the best is mediocre by European standards. SORRY! NO comparison...