Av. de Mayo is in serious decline. The buildings are beautiful, however many of the facades are simply crumbling. It's surprising that in the past few years, several of the facades have been magnificently restored, however, at the street level, it's quite a different story. For example, at the corner of San José and Av. de Mayo one of the buildings was restored completely, inside and out, it was totally abandoned, now after 3 years, the paint is getting dirty, and the ground floor is covered in grafitti and those dumb political posters stuck all over the windows and doors in thick layers and the entire building remains completely empty as well as the ground floor retail stores, empty as well. Caddy corner to that building - only 2 buildings away from the Palacio Barolo was a building that was covered in scaffolding for more than 10 years I was told, the facade was just completely restored, incredibly beautiful and is supposed to reopen in the next few months as a "Tango Theme" hotel. However about 2 weeks ago, during a heavy rainstorm, the entire intersection of Av. de Mayo and San José was so heavily flooded, the sewer drains were spitting water back into the street and the entire ground floor of this hotel, still under construction, was completely flooded as well as it's basement and the subway station and other businesses on that corner were damaged also. I just feel like there is less and less hope for this place.