Thieves In Starbucks- Av. De Mayo

Best to stay at home, and indulge your orthorexia. Laugh smugly at those bread eating plebs as you feel the mystical wellness delivering properties of your organic kale and quinoa smoothie wash over you and think of all those monsanto worshipping salmon munchers falling off the the perch one by one - yes, hold your manioc tight, soon it will be time...
But Nac y Pop is also a commercial chain. Just not on the same scale as Starbucks.

The problem is not being commercial. If that were the case every person and every small shop would be evil as well. What makes a business evil or not are the business practices. Most international corporations are publicly owned and answer only to profit, not values. I can think of few huge corporations which are privately owned and have decent business practices. They do exist. Opposing a business because it's big is silly, I oppose them if they abuse and take advantage of people, and businesses of any size can do that.
The problem is not being commercial. If that were the case every person and every small shop would be evil as well. What makes a business evil or not are the business practices. Most international corporations are publicly owned and answer only to profit, not values. I can think of few huge corporations which are privately owned and have decent business practices. They do exist. Opposing a business because it's big is silly, I oppose them if they abuse and take advantage of people, and businesses of any size can do that.

"There's no such thing as an original sin." - Elvis Costello
Sorry for your guests loss. I got robbed a few times on my travels. It taught me to leave anything of value in the apartment or the hotel safe. Only carry a photocopy of my passport, one credit card with a low spending limit and as much cash as I'll need for the day.
Nobody asked if you like Starbucks! [the name is a locater not a survey]
What is a "harmless robbery"?
For a lot of users this forum is really helpful , 99 % is contacted in English.if not more.
English is not always the first language of the people writting and posting in this forum ( for me Englsh is my fourth language ). When I was writting this post I ment "non violent" but at that moment I couldnt remember that term and wrote harmless . So please give us non native English speakers a benefit of sumphathy and dont judge our suntaxis of a phrase or the miss use of an apostofos .
For a lot of users this forum is really helpful , 99 % is contacted in English.if not more.
English is not always the first language of the people writting and posting in this forum ( for me Englsh is my fourth language ). When I was writting this post I ment "non violent" but at that moment I couldnt remember that term and wrote harmless . So please give us non native English speakers a benefit of sumphathy and dont judge our suntaxis of a phrase or the miss use of an apostofos .

Given my own often-bumbling progress in Castellano, I can entirely sympathise.

ghost is an enojón. He snarls at everyone.
Just today I was walking back home after meeting some friends in San Telmo for lunch around 3:30PM, and low and behold, right on Av. de Mayo, between Chacabuco & Piedras, I saw two Asian ladies in their 30s, obviously tourists, with 2 suspicious people standing very close to them, talking. The scene looked suspicious, so I stood close by. The two idiots standing close to them, were "helping" them wipe a sticky green substance off of their backpacks, camera cases and jackets. They were telling them that something must have splattered them, when of course I know this scheme all too well. The Asian ladies didn't understand what was being said to them in Spanish by the 2 idiots but I immediately spoke to them in English and told them what was going on and they knew, and got scared and thought I might be part of it too. So they said "yes, we know, go away". So I stood a few meters away and waited to see what was going to happen, I stayed close enough for the idiots to see I was on to them, they scurried away around the corner and started cursing at me and giving me the finger. I stayed behind them pretending to take their picture with my cell phone and they ran like rats. As soon as they got about half a block away but still in my view I picked up a large empty beer bottle and threw it in their direction yelling "ladrones, ladrones, hay que lincharlos" they ran even faster and disappeared. This is what I mean, be VERY careful on Av. de Mayo!!
Did they look Bolivian?
I don't know what nationality they were, I only heard one or two words before they knew I was on to them. I wasn't close enough to hear their speech pattern. They were both overweight maybe about 100kg, 1m 60cm, brownish complexion, sloppy clothes, but not homeless looking, chubby faces, the man had short brown curly hair and the woman longish brown curly hair and wearing a fanny pack. Both early to mid 40's.
Given my own often-bumbling progress in Castellano, I can entirely sympathise.

ghost is an enojón. He snarls at everyone.
Wrongo PinkPossum!!!! I did not know the poster was not a native English speaker. So hold "enojon" stuff for later.