Uba: How Free Is Too Free ?

Nikad, you just don't understand labor law. There are hundreds of Convenios Colectivos de trabajo, it is stated there.

A country needs all kind of workers Nikad.

But you seem to be indignanted because bathroom cleaners work is considered unhealthy and they work less hours and are better paid.

Nurse's work is also unhealthy because they do the dirty work of doctors.

You are also indignanted because prostitutes have rights and freedom instead of being victims of explotation? Come on!

Yours is a fake dicotomy because there are oportunities for all.

However, if Macri wins this is going to change...
Your reading is absolutely twisted and biased. Everybody should make enough money to live with dignity. Then higher complexity and responsibility jobs should get a higher pay. This is common sense anywhere in the world. Only in Argentina a non skilled worker makes more money than a high skilled one. Plain and simple. But how convenient for the populist right? :) Sorry, I don't agree with populism and its ways of keeping the levels of uneducated people as high as possible.
Your reading is absolutely twisted and biased. Everybody should make enough money to live with dignity. Then higher complexity and responsibility jobs should get a higher pay. This is common sense anywhere in the world. Only in Argentina a non skilled worker makes more money than a high skilled one. Plain and simple. But how convenient for the populist right? :) Sorry, I don't agree with populism and its ways of keeping the levels of uneducated people as high as possible.

Look, the issue with salaries or doctors or lawyers has to do with the rules of market: there are too many of them.
You mentioned Sweden. There are too many professionals there and they lack electricians. Many professional are becoming electricians because they are better paid. An electrician in Sweden used to make about 30.000 usd.

The second issue is that professionals are not unioniced and they don't want to be neither.

So, populism has nothing to do with it.

Your other statement is hilarious. What you call populism has done a huge effort to educate poor people so, WtF are you talking about?
It's pretty simple Bajo and it doesn't take much for an educated person of your stature to understand.
The goals of this regime are totally populist and one of the main instruments they use to garner votes is to keep the masses well paid with government subsidies whilst at the same time brainwashing them that the FPV is the church to worship in and that CFK is the god to adore. Educating these masses is counterproductive for them, it's obvious.
All smoke and mirrors.

My sister-in-law is still waiting, after three years, for the famous worker's justice here after being fired the day after she announced her pregnancy to the owner of the restaurant where she worked 14 hour days as the only chef, the only food preparer, the only food purchaser and the only dishwasher, all by herself (yes, that was part of the denuncia she presented via her lawyer - not to mention the owner paying her in the black, a low salary for only one of those jobs).

And gee, the owner of the restaurant is a lawyer. Imagine that.

The idea that a low-skilled, low-hour job deserves a higher salary than a job that took a person years to prepare for is ludicrous. To me, it shows that people who support such a thing think in terms of no hope for the future, showing, for example, that a person who starts out in a low-paying job really has no hope of ever advancing to anything better in their lives. No thought given to bettering oneself at all - the government will make everything alright, little boy or girl. Almost a caste system where "you're poor, ignorant, and with no hope of improving your lot in life, so at least we're going to make sure you get enough money to stay right where you are. If you are lucky and can get one of those protected jobs."

Somehow, the majority don't actually even get that help, though. What about the maids. The knife sharpeners. The construction workers. The verduleros (not the owners and managers, but the employees). The cooks, the food preparers, the dishwahsers. So on and so forth.

And why should it even be necessary to need continue to support low-paying, unskilled jobs over skilled jobs? What about the wonderful free education system here that should take anyone, poor or rich (todos incluidos, no?), and allow them to have a good enough education to advance beyond non-skilled labor? What? The system isn't working? Oh yeah, sorry, the government didn't do anything about the poor in relation to this until they saw that they were losing in the elections and made a last-minute play to pretend like they actually give a damn by doing another half-assed move such as lifting any entrance exams to public universities, as if they had finally found the magic bullet to give equality to all. If they were really so concerned about the poors' educational status, why wasn't this something done early in CFK's first term? Oh yeah, all that wonderful spending on education. And it took them 12 years total to realize that wasn't doing the job? Of course, all this will do is perpetuate the existing system of keeping the poor in their place while being used as support for populist policies.

Ah, populism and fascism hand-in-hand. The workers' paradise, the cheta person's coming hell and little room in between for anyone else.

Let's hope that if Macri wins that something does indeed change. Bajo, you and all the populists could be right, Macri may make a mess of things, given what he would be left with. But what you all don't understand is that people here seem to be willing to try anything other than the same ol' crap. The fear-mongering you all throw in everyone's face is nothing beside the reality they've been watching for at least the last 8 years and it's starting to have the same effect as shooting yourselves in the foot - repeatedly.
I lived in a country, that was the smartest and only knew how to deal with everything. I live in similar country again. But the first one noticed that is maybe better to follow good examples from abroad and now painfully try to correct some things, the new one is still waiting to admit, that maybe need some help in doing things.

No one is saying Argentina should follow USA, just that there are quite successful systems that benefit all. Uba is of course quite good, at the end they get the best material to work with, but in general especially lower education is disaster. It always amaze me, that every teacher works in 5+ schools, instead to employ them in one. If they can't make such absurdity right, I doubt the rest of the system is any better.

What I heard till now, Argentina has good 3 high schools and one university. The rest can go fck themselves...
Look, the issue with salaries or doctors or lawyers has to do with the rules of market: there are too many of them.
You mentioned Sweden. There are too many professionals there and they lack electricians. Many professional are becoming electricians because they are better paid. An electrician in Sweden used to make about 30.000 usd.

That's slightly below the average salary per year in Sweden - so your example could only serve as a job application for a job at INDEC...
Look, the issue with salaries or doctors or lawyers has to do with the rules of market: there are too many of them.
You mentioned Sweden. There are too many professionals there and they lack electricians. Many professional are becoming electricians because they are better paid. An electrician in Sweden used to make about 30.000 usd.

The second issue is that professionals are not unioniced and they don't want to be neither.

So, populism has nothing to do with it.

Your other statement is hilarious. What you call populism has done a huge effort to educate poor people so, WtF are you talking about?
I am not quite sure I can follow you. Why would the government invest so much in education if then you are going to make crap money? Why would anybody want a degree if they could make more money selling train tickets? Geez, for a second it sounded like those wonderful luxurious five star hotels in Santa Cruz, always empty, but costing millions in maintenance and being " rented out " by Lazaro and friends. Now I am scared with this logic.
It's pretty simple Bajo and it doesn't take much for an educated person of your stature to understand.

I think you're overestimating the target of your statement. To penetrate that level of condescension is impossible.

It's pretty simple Bajo and it doesn't take much for an educated person of your stature to understand.
The goals of this regime are totally populist and one of the main instruments they use to garner votes is to keep the masses well paid with government subsidies whilst at the same time brainwashing them that the FPV is the church to worship in and that CFK is the god to adore. Educating these masses is counterproductive for them, it's obvious.

Well, in that case you statement has issues (a lot).