Uba: How Free Is Too Free ?

Nikad, i was wrong regarding lawyers. There are more lawyers per capita in the US (385/100.000) than in Argentina (353/100.000):
But they are mostly in NYC (10%)

Doctors, we have 50% more doctors.

But here the Regulations of the State makes the difference.

The difference, i think, is that we finish the carrear without debts and this allow us to charge less until we have enough work and experience to rise fees.

Regarding the example of cleanning public bathrooms, it is an It is a humbling and unhealthy work, so, it makes sense that they are well paid.
The same happends with prostituts. Did you know that they make no less than 30.000 pesos?

The issue i think is historic. Workers were unioniced by Peronism and professionals were against Peron ans its union. Smart? No, they are bad paid.

Regarding populism, the most populist country in the world is the US: people get cheap food, clothes, electronics and cars.

Instead of spending money in education, they do it in wars.
Nikad. Doctors at Hospital de Clinicas,eLChurruca and Hospital de Niños have told me that they work at these hospitals as a community service and also because they get to see many different types of cases that they might not see in private practice, some of them very wth very needy patients.
Bajo. So,you agree then that some "Flor de Ceibo" universities like Matanza U. are a "waste of money"? Remember in 2012 when Cristina was jeered at Harvard by Argie students there and she answered ,"Chicos,esta es Harvard.Esas cosas son para la Matanza".Was that a belittlement or a compliment? It's available on google.

Yes, i agree. Universidad de la matanza should not exist. The same with Lomas. They waste all the money with a low academic level.

Hospital de Clinicas is where medicine students do the practize to get the degree.
Nikad. Doctors at Hospital de Clinicas,eLChurruca and Hospital de Niños have told me that they work at these hospitals as a community service and also because they get to see many different types of cases that they might not see in private practice, some of them very wth very needy patients.
Bajo. So,you agree then that some "Flor de Ceibo" universities like Matanza U. are a "waste of money"? Remember in 2012 when Cristina was jeered at Harvard by Argie students there and she answered ,"Chicos,esta es Harvard.Esas cosas son para la Matanza".Was that a belittlement or a compliment? It's available on google.
Of course, the number of patients they see at these hospitals and the experience that drs have cannot be compared to a private clinic. This is why if you have a pediatric emergency you should ALWAYS go to Hospital de Ninos first. Not just that, OSDE, Medicus, and all the privante insurance providers will sometimes refer you to a public hospital in complex cases.
Regarding the example of cleanning public bathrooms, it is an It is a humbling and unhealthy work, so, it makes sense that they are well paid.
The same happends with prostituts. Did you know that they make no less than 30.000 pesos?

The issue i think is historic. Workers were unioniced by Peronism and professionals were against Peron ans its union. Smart? No, they are bad paid.

I am not sure where you get some facts, but bathroom cleaning is not considered a dangerous job anywhere in the world and it is not considered dangerous or unhealthy here either ( [background=rgb(225, 235, 242)]SERVICIOS DIFERENCIALES EN LAS LEYES 18.037 Y 18.038 )[/background]. Being a doctor and being exposed to illnesses constantly ( just like nurses, etc ) definitely is.

I am not sure about prostitution, it is not considered a legal job as far as I know, I was actually talking about registered work. In any case, a prostitute makes much more than 30k pesos, narocs make more money as well.

The fact that it is historic, doesn't mean it is right or fair. I believe it is a problem and it discourages a lot of professionals. Lowering the bar instead of rising it, that is.
Bajo: Thanks for your prompt reply.Do not misunderstand me.I have great respect and liking for Argentine doctors.For at least 15 years as a freelancer I ran courses in medical English for doctors and interns at the Hospital de Clinicas and the Churruca .Moreover,my father who was a MD in NYC had several Argentine associates there.But as a famous Argentine cardiologist who worked with Favaloro
once told me,"Argentine doctors are good not because of the system but in spite of the system".Y con eso,te digo todo.

I am not sure where you get some facts, but bathroom cleaning is not considered a dangerous job anywhere in the world and it is not considered dangerous or unhealthy here either ( [background=rgb(225, 235, 242)]SERVICIOS DIFERENCIALES EN LAS LEYES 18.037 Y 18.038 )[/background]. Being a doctor and being exposed to illnesses constantly ( just like nurses, etc ) definitely is.

I am not sure about prostitution, it is not considered a legal job as far as I know, I was actually talking about registered work. In any case, a prostitute makes much more than 30k pesos, narocs make more money as well.

The fact that it is historic, doesn't mean it is right or fair. I believe it is a problem and it discourages a lot of professionals. Lowering the bar instead of rising it, that is.

Prostitution is a legal and honest work in this country.

Unhealthy work is regulated by law 20.744:

A work is unhealthy if the authority says so.
Regarding universities in Conurbano, like La Matanza, Avellaneda, San Martin, etc. I beg to differ.
They are clearly not top level. Clearly. But they do have a mission: they were created to educate people. They were created to close the gap that existed between the public high school of Conurbano, with a very poor level, and public universities like UBA which always had good level.

Thats the mission they all have, to bring education to that poor people of Conurbano, to force them to continue studying, to get an "oficio", as we say it in spanish. No one would expect to get a doctorate or a master abroad by studying in La Matanza, is just for the people to keep studying, especialize in something, electricity, etc, its for them to dont stay only with their high school diploma, its to close the gap with the public universities that have continued with the good level. Yes, it would have been better to upgrade the public high schools to get closer to UBA, but that didnt happen, and public education fell apart, the main reason IMO because of the family. If you dont have a great background in your family to study, you wont get far. School is accesory to that.
Sorry Bajo, it is not stated on your link. In any case, what kind of country do you want? Bathroom cleaners and prostitutes or professionals and highly educated people?

Nikad, you just don't understand labor law. There are hundreds of Convenios Colectivos de trabajo, it is stated there.

A country needs all kind of workers Nikad.

But you seem to be indignanted because bathroom cleaners work is considered unhealthy and they work less hours and are better paid.

Nurse's work is also unhealthy because they do the dirty work of doctors.

You are also indignanted because prostitutes have rights and freedom instead of being victims of explotation? Come on!

Yours is a fake dicotomy because there are oportunities for all.

However, if Macri wins this is going to change...