Uba: How Free Is Too Free ?

Ummmm, sure you don't want to check your arithmetic? $360k per year does qualify as "a lot of money" to most of us.

You are absolutely correct.

Everyone wants the the **good** life. Not everyone, gets the **good** life!
Hahahaha, so you think a Swedish electrician earns 30k US$ per month? Dude, you seem to have a good relation with Anibal or where do you get those drugs? With that statement, you are surely qualified for a job at INDEC :D

Well, my father was in the construction industry in Sweden for 20 years. So, it is first hand info.
Sorry, I don't get your point, you said that there are too many professionals but at the same time that the government has invested millions in universities. If professionals are not needed because there are too many of them and they earn little money, why would they invest in that and not on something else? :p

There are too many lawyers and doctors. We cannot say the same about other carrears.

Education produce weath for a country.
There are too many lawyers and doctors. We cannot say the same about other carrears.

Pardon me Bajo, Some of the lawyers and doctors I encountered here are really "dumb asses". I mean - they are not bringing any skill to the table, except a degree issued by a univ. here/ And thats really sad.
Ummmm, sure you don't want to check your arithmetic? $360k per year does qualify as "a lot of money" to most of us.

For being an electrician is a lot. If you compare it with how much they are paying there:


It is a lot more.

However, that's not the point.
Pardon me Bajo, Some of the lawyers and doctors I encountered here are really "dumb asses". I mean - they are not bringing any skill to the table, except a degree issued by a univ. here/ And thats really sad.

that's human nature. Just don't hire them.
that's human nature. Just don't hire them.

Any suggestions, on how these numerous lawyers coming out of univ. here become a "diamond" like lawyer with skills like yrs. What kind of training, he needs to undertake? how and where can he find the right mentors?

I used to have a Argie gf, and all her buddies were jobless/aimelss/useless/directionless lawyers with paper degrees from Univ. here!
For being an electrician is a lot. If you compare it with how much they are paying there:


It is a lot more.

However, that's not the point.

Yeah, it was the point. But thanks for the link, because it makes clear that the 30k per month is in kroner, not dollars nor euros. Makes it much more reasonable and understandable.