Uba: How Free Is Too Free ?

Nikad, even hospitals can be improved, you have them and the Drs. are well qualified. When I was living in the US the health was a big issue that used to stress me a lot as soon as a simple rooth channel cost about 3000 usd against less than 70 here. This is because free education.

But this is not Sweden (lucky us, Sweden has very ugly things)

Regarding the Law school of UBA, it is so huge that is like having 5 universities or more under the same roof. You have high end cathedras and intermediate mostly. Just a few low end that are alike a private university. Most of them were intervened and the bad professors dismissed.

It is up to you how good education you get.

There are some professors who sucks, if you go to the centro de estudiantes of Franja Morada (UCR/Pro) they advice you how to find the professors who are too easy (pathetic) but you are going to be a good taxi driver later.

Perhaps your friend doesn't know how to choose the cathedra and she choose the clases by the time. I didn't do that, you need to do reserch to find the most difficult clases and the best professors.

Regarding La Campora, they don't exist at law school (historically is it an UCR university) and, if they do, who cares. To be afraid of them? Too much Macri propaganda. Commandos venezolanos iranies, right?
I'd bet that most of the FpV lemmings who claim that the education is in a great state send their children to a private school - just like Scioli who always stresses his work resulting in great public hospitals seems to prefer foreign ones for his own health...

Too much political ideology.
Nikad:Thanks for your opinion She's native .She studied high school and university here. She explains her views in clear language without resorting to political ideology Hers is the voice of honest experience, .Experience isn't the best teacher, it's the only real teacher.

UBA has a long history (anti peronist) and prestige.
When Macri talk about closing universities and CFK about to protect them, they refer to a lot of new universities that were created like, for example, universidad the La Matanza or Lomas de Zamora. They are highly political/populism oriented so, they think that they should approve every body (populism) while at UBA we has a quorum limited (excellency). Even everybody can try, we has the duty to disapprove a % of the students.
There was one semester where a class was intervened and we replaced the professor who was too easy. We were allowed to disapprove 100% of the class if neccesary. Only 1 approved.
I believe that this universities are a waste of money (universidad de la matanza for example) and they waste most of the resources, not UBA, because they have to pay well to get professors.
The idea behind creating all those universties has to do with the federal system of government but i think it is a mistake.
Nikad, even hospitals can be improved, you have them and the Drs. are well qualified. When I was living in the US the health was a big issue that used to stress me a lot as soon as a simple rooth channel cost about 3000 usd against less than 70 here. This is because free education.

So the reason of absurd costs in the US health system is not about how the insurance system works there, but because of free education? Would you care to explain this statement?

Too much political ideology.

If the forum's FpV campaign manager says so...
Talking about the US health system when discussing Argentina's university education? Off Topic.
So the reason of absurd costs in the US health system is not about how the insurance system works there, but because of free education? Would you care to explain this statement?

Well, if you lack professionals, the cost rise because there is less competition. Simple.
We have an unexpensible health system because of free education.
The same happends with other professionals like lawyers, architechs, etc.
So, it is on topic.

If the forum's FpV campaign manager says so...


Free education has 98 years in this country. Hellooouuuuuuuuuu, there was no FpV then genious.
Well, if you lack professionals, the cost rise because there is less competition. Simple.
We have an unexpensible health system because of free education.
The same happends with other professionals like lawyers, architechs, etc.
So, it is on topic.

If that's what you learned at UBA, I'm afraid that it either doesn't shed a good light on the university's prestige or on your understanding. Maybe stick to your field of expertise instead of making up theories.

And by the way: I never said something against free education - maybe PISA's results on literacy in Argentina are not that far off, genius...

I lack the necessary knowledge to explain why doctors here work for peanuts , such as doctors and other professionals. It has to do in my opinion with unions and populism. Don't get me wrong, I am all for worker's rights, but when I was told last week that a lady cleaning the train station bathrooms at Retiro works 4 hours a day and gets paid 17000$ en blanco, and doctors, teachers and others make much much much less, something is off. And I don't think it has anything to do with free education. Truck drivers make a fortune and that is because of their union and so on. Knowledge is not promoted or rewarded in any way in Argentina. Doesn't matter if you are the best student or the worst, you will be promoted. If you are lazy and do not graduate from high school, with just a few hours and doing nothing you will get your diploma through Fines. If you were horrible and still want to go to university, you are welcome: let's just waste a whole year with you ( aka CBC ) just so you can finally learn spelling, basic math, etc. It is a very complex issue with many different sides.

As for the US healthcare or private universities, I was very opinionated years ago against it, however I learned that maybe in a place where you can get credit very easily to afford them and by working hard with a good solid preparation you make a salary that is commensurate to the costs of these services, maybe it just works. For example, if I have to pay for a root canal 1.5k usd on an Arg salary, that is outrageous! But if in the US, doing the same job my salary is 5-8 times higher I will probably be able to afford it. I am not 100% sure about health, but regarding universities, you get a student loan, and you are ready to go.

There are good and bad catedras, and all political parties actively working at UBA will advice you on which ones to choose ( the easy, the hard, the right wing, the left wing ) I always chose the hardest or most prestigious. Have had a a few surprises such as when in Criminal Law the teacher said the first day " in my time, gays were called putos, and we would throw rocks at them "
Nikad. Doctors at Hospital de Clinicas,eLChurruca and Hospital de Niños have told me that they work at these hospitals as a community service and also because they get to see many different types of cases that they might not see in private practice, some of them very wth very needy patients.
Bajo. So,you agree then that some "Flor de Ceibo" universities like Matanza U. are a "waste of money"? Remember in 2012 when Cristina was jeered at Harvard by Argie students there and she answered ,"Chicos,esta es Harvard.Esas cosas son para la Matanza".Was that a belittlement or a compliment? It's available on google.