Uba: How Free Is Too Free ?

So where does the education budget go? How comes that a country spending a lot on education (which is principally a good thing) and a lot of teachers work for free cannot produce any results in terms of improved quality? Are the electricity costs so high? Come on!

embezzlement and inflation probably.
The same in the US but there is admition test.

Plus, you are wrong. The provinces are responsible of education so, the level vary.

The schools that belong to the Federal State have a great level of education. The CBC helps students to acchieve the level of the national schools like Pellegrini or Nacional Buenos Aires.
I think you are delusional Bajo. Pellegrini and Buenos aires are 2 schools in the whole country. CBC is useless.
The system is not inneficient because success is based on personal effort, skills and perseverance.
I studied at UB universty before UBA, everybody was approved as soon as they pay the tuition. Is this efficient? No. The level was super low just like high school.
On the other hand, 90% of teachers works for free at UBA so, what's the waste? Electricity? Come on!
I teached 9 years for free at UBA so i know what I mean. Only the master of the cathedra had a salary (almost nothing) and his almost 50 followers worked for free.
You are being delusional, teachers do not teach at university most of the time, their " helpers " do. I graduated from UBA and have seen it all. The system is inefficient and the reason why some crap private universities exist is because the once renowned UBA is rapidly declining. Public university will follow high school's decadence ( where only the poor attend these days ).
NikaD, I'm studying at http://www.casadeletras.com.ar/. So far, while very much enjoying the teaching, I have no idea how exactly it functions bureaucratically. It seems to be a hybrid between a public funded institution and a private initiative. Probably a fruit of patriotic efforts of a group of enthusiasts who somehow managed to get access to some sort of public funding and made all this possible. The school awards no degrees or similar, has no entry or exit exams, just teaches and that's it. If you fail to do your part of the work, your problem. What we pay is purely symbolic, I doubt the sum of all our collected fees covers the salary of one of the receptionists (there's one downstairs and one upstairs, plus of course the professors who are all famous and sorted, if not rich). We are all adults, aspiring writers, we choose to go there and gladly pay what we know only covers a fraction of the total costs. 80% of my classmates are abogados.

Of course, it's different with elementary schools. Kids only go there because they are forced to, they have no choice. Yet I wouldn't underestimate the quality of what certain teachers deliver, regardless of economy or politics. There's much to improve (like everywhere, always), but please don't insult these people by reducing their hard work to a simple outcome of a politic game. Many of them spill their whole heart into it, for nothing, and will continue to do so regardless of the outcome of the elections.
I see what you mean but this is not a university. They are a civil association ( you cannot get a degree or masters degree as far as I see )
So where does the education budget go? How comes that a country spending a lot on education (which is principally a good thing) and a lot of teachers work for free cannot produce any results in terms of improved quality? Are the electricity costs so high? Come on!

Well, you afirm that af honorem professor cannot improve education quality but you are wrong because you assume that theeducation is bad. Education at UBA university is very good.

Most of the budget is spent in primary and secondary school where teachers are all of them paid and where the federal government invest a lot building new schools.

Students also get a netbook for free at schools.
You are being delusional, teachers do not teach at university most of the time, their " helpers " do. I graduated from UBA and have seen it all. The system is inefficient and the reason why some crap private universities exist is because the once renowned UBA is rapidly declining. Public university will follow high school's decadence ( where only the poor attend these days ).

People who is not good enough for UBA goes to private universities.
I think you are delusional Bajo. Pellegrini and Buenos aires are 2 schools in the whole country. CBC is useless.

Personal experience or you imagine it?

I had an awkful education at high school and i learn to study at CBC. I finished the carreer with over 9 in the specialization.

Read what you write! You blame the federal government because (you just hate CFK) but you ignored that education is a province responsability. Where you have the federal goverment, education is better like UBA, Pellegrini and NBsAs.

That is why in this city there are less and less public schools.
...90% of teachers works for free at UBA so, what's the waste? Electricity? Come on!
I teached 9 years for free at UBA so i know what I mean. Only the master of the cathedra had a salary (almost nothing) and his almost 50 followers worked for free.

Bajo, how can this many professors afford to teach for free? Is teaching a part-time job, and the profs do it for charity, while supporting themselves with other work?
Education is fine in Argentina - because we have netbooks sponsored by

Bajo, how can this many professors afford to teach for free? Is teaching a part-time job, and the profs do it for charity, while supporting themselves with other work?

even those who do get paid get paid almost nothing.
I know several people who teach at UBA- and even as Department head, the monthly salary is only a few hundred dollars.
All of the people I know who teach at UBA have other jobs, usually at least one.
I know some people who teach at a few colleges, including some private ones, which pay better, but still teach at UBA.
And quite a few working professionals teach at UBA- for instance, almost all of the people who teach architecture there have full time private practices.