NikaD, I'm studying at So far, while very much enjoying the teaching, I have no idea how exactly it functions bureaucratically. It seems to be a hybrid between a public funded institution and a private initiative. Probably a fruit of patriotic efforts of a group of enthusiasts who somehow managed to get access to some sort of public funding and made all this possible. The school awards no degrees or similar, has no entry or exit exams, just teaches and that's it. If you fail to do your part of the work, your problem. What we pay is purely symbolic, I doubt the sum of all our collected fees covers the salary of one of the receptionists (there's one downstairs and one upstairs, plus of course the professors who are all famous and sorted, if not rich). We are all adults, aspiring writers, we choose to go there and gladly pay what we know only covers a fraction of the total costs. 80% of my classmates are abogados.
Of course, it's different with elementary schools. Kids only go there because they are forced to, they have no choice. Yet I wouldn't underestimate the quality of what certain teachers deliver, regardless of economy or politics. There's much to improve (like everywhere, always), but please don't insult these people by reducing their hard work to a simple outcome of a politic game. Many of them spill their whole heart into it, for nothing, and will continue to do so regardless of the outcome of the elections.