Uba: How Free Is Too Free ?

Bajo, how can this many professors afford to teach for free? Is teaching a part-time job, and the profs do it for charity, while supporting themselves with other work?

There is nothing worst that a full time professor (besides phisics perhaps) because he lacks feedback with reality.

Everybody works and they teach on the subject they work.

Julio Maier, the master of my cathedra, for example, was a judge of the Supreme Court of this citi, before he was a federal criminal judge.

All this peopke works for free for prestige and/or for paying back the UBA for the outstanding free education. Getting scholarships in foreign universities is more or less easy if you teach at UBA.

FYI is super difficult to get accepted to work for free at University because it pays back a lot. You have the best masters and, being a disciple, they teach you personaly.
Back home we have a saying: "If you're good at something, you do it. If not-so-much, you teach it." I'm glad it can be otherwise.

I'm quite surprised by this concept (of teaching as a matter of professional honour) and very impressed. It's new to me and seems to be exactly what I was missing elsewhere. It's true my school gives no degrees, but who needs them. Maybe the absence of degrees is what makes it so special. It filters away the people who are after degrees, which keeps more space for people who are genuinely phanatical about writing, both teachers and students. It feels like a dream-come-true. If someone told me a few months ago I would be able to not only personally meet the very people whose books I was reading, but that they would teach me, read my stuff and give me feedback, sharing the gems that made them famous... I would just laugh them off. And here I came, found the school just behind the corner and could even afford it. Now tell me miracles don't exist in this money-hungry matrix.
My friend Danny, who teaches at UBA, was the architect for Cultural Center Kirchner. Regardless of how you feel about the name, the CCK is an amazing piece of architecture.
Go, and see a concert in the La Cupula- it will blow your mind- the slate roofing of the dome on top has been replaced with glass, and when you are up there at night, the microcento is the glowing backdrop to the show.
Many of the professors at UBA are similarly at the tops of their fields, outside of UBA. And they dont phone it in- I have met many of Danny's students, and they know him on a first name basis. In the USA, many professors let grad students teach the classes, and work the absolute minimum hours, making large salaries with maximum benefits.
Not so at UBA.
My friend Danny, who teaches at UBA, was the architect for Cultural Center Kirchner. Regardless of how you feel about the name, the CCK is an amazing piece of architecture.
Go, and see a concert in the La Cupula- it will blow your mind- the slate roofing of the dome on top has been replaced with glass, and when you are up there at night, the microcento is the glowing backdrop to the show.
Many of the professors at UBA are similarly at the tops of their fields, outside of UBA. And they dont phone it in- I have met many of Danny's students, and they know him on a first name basis. In the USA, many professors let grad students teach the classes, and work the absolute minimum hours, making large salaries with maximum benefits.
Not so at UBA.

It really is, i hope future governments take out all the stupid shit they have in it now and turn it into a huge museum Buenos Aires and Argentina can really be proud off, far to many tiny crappy museums all around the place.
Personal experience or you imagine it?

I had an awkful education at high school and i learn to study at CBC. I finished the carreer with over 9 in the specialization.

Read what you write! You blame the federal government because (you just hate CFK) but you ignored that education is a province responsability. Where you have the federal goverment, education is better like UBA, Pellegrini and NBsAs.

That is why in this city there are less and less public schools.
Personal experience, I also studied at UBA law and most of my high school friends come from Pellegrini and Nac Bs As. Thing is that the National government should oversee the whole country's education, even though provinces have autonomy. It doesn't matter whether I like CFK or not - the person, I certainly don't - but as the head of the current administration, I definitely admit that there are some good things that happened in the last 12 years. I don't think education is one of them. I know many UBA teachers and heads of catedra, UBA Medicine school is a disgrace, it is obvious that the money did not go there.

As for CBC, it did not help me much and it upsets me that a lot of students have to waste a whole year to leverage for what others lack of. This should be provided in all high schools. I see the good side of things and the benefits of free education of course ( only thing that should give us equal opportunities ) but that doesn't mean I can't ask for excellence, improvement, etc.

You know what? I wish I had a good public school I could send my children to. And I wish I had an even bigger network of public hospitals and doctors. The reality is that I think a lot of them are currently sub standard and so it puts a lot more pressure on me to make more money and pay for these things out of my pocket. I also feel it is unfair to add more load if I can afford to pay and take what somebody in worse conditions need more than I do ( because I have that option )

I am all for a true socialism ( but the kind of socialism you have in Norway, Sweden, etc ) not populism.
There is nothing worst that a full time professor (besides phisics perhaps) because he lacks feedback with reality.

Everybody works and they teach on the subject they work.

Julio Maier, the master of my cathedra, for example, was a judge of the Supreme Court of this citi, before he was a federal criminal judge.

All this peopke works for free for prestige and/or for paying back the UBA for the outstanding free education. Getting scholarships in foreign universities is more or less easy if you teach at UBA.

FYI is super difficult to get accepted to work for free at University because it pays back a lot. You have the best masters and, being a disciple, they teach you personaly.
It is true that it gives them a lot of prestige. However each catedra is a small world.
Nikad:Thanks for your opinion She's native .She studied high school and university here. She explains her views in clear language without resorting to political ideology Hers is the voice of honest experience, .Experience isn't the best teacher, it's the only real teacher.
I'd bet that most of the FpV lemmings who claim that the education is in a great state send their children to a private school - just like Scioli who always stresses his work resulting in great public hospitals seems to prefer foreign ones for his own health...
I was talking yesterday to a friend of our eldest, who attends UBA law school. They've been friends for years, went to secondary together. She's finishing her second year at UBA.

She didn't have a whole lot of good things to say. Very large classes, no room for everyone to sit, professors who miss classes often - and most of all la Campora. She says they congregate in a large group in classes and talk over the professor, who either ignores them (probably out of fear) or joins them (from time to time). The way she talked about things there, la Campora pretty much feels like it is the group who rules and they do pretty much as they want.

But she says with all the over-crowding and la Campora stuck in everything, between their talking in class, singing, striking at times, and outright intimidation at others, she wonders how she'll ever get through school and become a lawyer.

So the students I've talked to over the last year or so don't have a lot of good things to say about UBA law school. The young lady from yesterday isn't the only one I've talked to, though admittedly all but one are friends of hers and our eldest (and the other is a friend of our eldest as well, from another group of friends). Maybe they got together and decided as a group they just want to be contrarian. Or maybe they don't like la Campora so much that they are exaggerating about other problems.

I don't know, they must be wrong, because their experience is so contrary to the rosy picture Bajo paints.