US Aid to Haiti

Vikingo said:
There was a survey carried out by Gallup last year which determined that the US is the country Argentines hate most... and in 2nd place was England..

I challenge you to find 10 argies how admire those pirates...

You are definitely another ignorant brain-washed by the media expat...

There are many among my friends and relatives, but I don't feel like introducing them to someone so lacking in education and manners.
Vikingo said:
There was a survey carried out by Gallup last year which determined that the US is the country Argentines hate most... and in 2nd place was England..

I challenge you to find 10 argies how admire those pirates...

You are definitely another ignorant brain-washed by the media expat...

That's interesting - I just went and looked up Gallup and could find no such survey.

I did find a survey saying 42% of Argentines polled approved of the job performance of the leadership of the US, 26% disapproving and 32% declining to answer. That's a 31% increase since Obama took office.

Edited b/c I misspelled Gallup as Gallop (once a horseback rider, always a horseback rider ;) )
citygirl said:
That's interesting - I just went and looked up Gallop and could find no such survey.

I did find a survey saying 42% of Argentines polled approved of the job performance of the leadership of the US, 26% disapproving and 32% declining to answer. That's a 31% increase since Obama took office.

I suspect some people just make up stuff to prove their "points". I happen to be friends with the head of Gallup Argentina - will ask her next time we have lunch.
In 2007, the WPO conducted a survey and overwhelming Argentina (82%) did not trust the US to act responsibly, 55% of those polled in Argentina thought the US should not be involved in solving the international problems (same as Palestine!), and 75% of Argentines thought the US should have fewer international bases.

I would be curious to see if the results would be same/more/less if polled in '09.

I'm not a huge believer in surveys but thought I would post both sides.
sergio said:
Yes, I think most of the critics are Americans.

I agree many if not most of these people are Americans and I suspect some aren't actually in Argentina. There is only a handful of the really rabid and nutty ones that are impervious to logic and facts. I'm not sure what the psychology is with these people or what motivates them. My guess is they are probably isolated socially and have a hard time fitting in which creates a lot of anger which in their case comes out as anti anything American. They seem to have time to post all day so they don't appear to be employed. For those in Argentina there is probably one part of the U.S.A. they still like very much which is the money that goes in their account each month that allows them to stay here. Most of these people I believe are quite young and I suspect the source of funds for their revolutionary activities in most cases is mom and dad.
Ernest said:
Most Americans don't give a rats ass about what you think or whether you like the USA. The people of the USA are not asking for your help or your love and probably never will. We'll help with your earthquakes, tsunamis, aids, drill wells, provide military protection and generally do what we think is the right thing to do. But we sure won't count on your help if we have a disaster...remember all the foreign aid you sent to New Orleans? Huh?

I'm an American, and I DO give a rat's ass about what other people think. Not everyone from the United States is as proud and arrogant as Ernest.

And please, Ernest, if you're going to use any tragedy to criticize other countries for their lack of foreign aid, don't use New Orleans. The United States government left people for dead on bridges and highways. We couldn't even help our OWN citizens.

For the love of God, wake up!
All the more reason Bradley, that the rest of the world should have jumped in to help.
bradlyhale said:
Not everyone from the United States is as proud and arrogant as Ernest.

I couldn't agree more. The problem is that American people like Ernest give good American people like bradlyhale a bad name.
I read your post about operation condor - what it said is that the US installed communications centers for the various governments here in South America - no where did it say that the CIA participated in the murder of thousands of civilians. Your conclusion is faulty - just like saying that I taught you how to build a fire and so I am to blame when you burned down your house. I gave you the tool and you misused it.

And I did not address all your questions because there is just so much I have time to write - just as you did not address my question about how a racist like you feels if a non white is successful and perhaps your superior.
Ernest said:
I read your post about operation condor - what it said is that the US installed communications centers for the various governments here in South America - no where did it say that the CIA participated in the murder of thousands of civilians. Your conclusion is faulty - just like saying that I taught you how to build a fire and so I am to blame when you burned down your house. I gave you the tool and you misused it.

And I did not address all your questions because there is just so much I have time to write - just as you did not address my question about how a racist like you feels if a non white is successful and perhaps your superior.

That is like the USA selling weapons to a country, then expecting them not to use them. Don't be so naive.