US Aid to Haiti

Ernest said:
I read your post about operation condor - what it said is that the US installed communications centers for the various governments here in South America - no where did it say that the CIA participated in the murder of thousands of civilians. Your conclusion is faulty - just like saying that I taught you how to build a fire and so I am to blame when you burned down your house. I gave you the tool and you misused it.

To continue your analogy: The U.S trained them to use fire, supplied them with the matches and then said nothing when they burnt down the house.
Of course there is no proof of any CIA agent being directly involved, except for clandestine operations like Operation Condor.

Ernest said:
...just as you did not address my question about how a racist like you feels if a non white is successful and perhaps your superior.

I didn't even know you were non-white. How can I be a racist? Please elaborate.
Ernest said:
All the more reason Bradley, that the rest of the world should have jumped in to help.

Yes, maybe we should allow the Russian military to come help us out. What about the Chinese military? Great idea! I'm sure that would go over really well!
Ernest said:
All the more reason Bradley, that the rest of the world should have jumped in to help.

Ernest, I invite you to read the english section relative to the international relief on W :

Then read the french entry on the same site, there is something more :

The additional entry "fonds effectivement utilisés" (international relief used by the USA) : it refers to an article by the Washington Post, 04/29/2007.
On the 854 millions offered by international countries only, both in money & oil, only 4.7% has been used, and Bush never claimed the rest !

It shows how international relief is a political tool what brings us back to the OP : true charity is rare in the whole world
bradlyhale said:
Yes, maybe we should allow the Russian military to come help us out. What about the Chinese military? Great idea! I'm sure that would go over really well!

Russia offered assistance but it was refused. The 854 millions were accepted from "allied" countries.
You said
If you go to Venezuela and ask the majority of the people who live there who keep voting for Chavez, I am sure you will get a completely different response than if you ask your white middle class friends.

You are assuming my friends if not me too - are white. Why? Because of their success? You again jump to a conclusion with no basis in fact but perhaps in prejudice.

Moonwhich -
That is like the USA selling weapons to a country, then expecting them not to use them.
Of course we expected them to use the COMMUNICATION centers. The article mentions NOTHING about selling weapons.

maybe we should allow the Russian military to come help us out. What about the Chinese military?
Why not? What are you afraid of? That they show up in New Orleans and then build Kremlin west? Most citizens of the USA have fire arms - there is no power on earth that can force the US population into subservience except the powers in Washington DC - but that's a whole other topic.

Ok boys, that's it for tonight - I'll come back tomorrow to read your stellar and usually factless answers and try to help you understand the world as it really is. Don't stay up too tomorrow you know...
Ernest said:
You said

You are assuming my friends if not me too - are white. Why? Because of their success? You again jump to a conclusion with no basis in fact but perhaps in prejudice.

Because most middle class Venezuelans are white. Most of them are descendants from the Spaniards who stole the land and natural resources from the natives. That legacy continues today, or at least it's slowly changing thanks to Chavez.
So you are white after all? And let me guess, your friends are white as well?

Ernest said:
Bradley Why not? What are you afraid of? That they show up in New Orleans and then build Kremlin west?

If other nations were to show up on U.S soil like they did in Haiti, there would be a war on.
SaraSara said:
Great Britain invaded Argentina twice, occupied the Malvinas, and plundered the country for years, yet the British are admired. The US never had much to do with this corner of the world, and it is hated/envied. Go figure.

This is quite true. The US has never been a major player in Argentina. It was Britain first. Until Peron Argentina was a defacto colony of Britain, clearly an economic colony. In addition to the British the French and the Spanish have been the major investors, especially during the Menem neo-liberal years. It was not the US.

As for Haiti, I believe it was a French colony and by rights the French should be the ones helping out more than the Americans.
Vikingo said:
There was a survey carried out by Gallup last year which determined that the US is the country Argentines hate most... and in 2nd place was England..

I challenge you to find 10 argies how admire those pirates...

You are definitely another ignorant brain-washed by the media expat...

Britain is definitely admired by a segment of the Argentine society - mostly by the traditional upper class, primarily people of Spanish descent (some of British of French descent) with fancy surnames. They are no longer the Establishment.