Violent protests in Chile: Will this spread to Argentina?

According to this short note from 2014, Chile had the widest inequality gap of the 34 countries the OECD looked at.

That's exactly why it is misleading to talk about how the Chilean economy is 'strong' and 'wealthy' or has 'the best economic indicators', without giving a more nuanced analysis of the data.

Sure, Chile has some good numbers, but the way they are stacked is explanatory of the social unrest. The whole argument that these are entitled, pretty well off, young people, who just want stuff for free, is a joke.

According to this short note from 2014, Chile had the widest inequality gap of the 34 countries the OECD looked at.

That's exactly why it is misleading to talk about how the Chilean economy is 'strong' and 'wealthy' or has 'the best economic indicators', without giving a more nuanced analysis of the data.

Sure, Chile has some good numbers, but the way they are stacked is explanatory of the social unrest. The whole argument that these are entitled, pretty well off, young people, who just want stuff for free, is a joke.


Also interesting read is the OECD Chile report for 2019. The 2014 OECD Report was published when President Bachelet was inaugurated on March 14 2014.

I feel that the Chile disturbances are not grassroots as it seems very organised and the destruction of so many assets of the Chilean people seems to have a organised feel to it with an intent to cause massive disruption to peoples ordinary lives .

Chile of all places in South America does have the best economic indicators . Yes it does not have free education, but it has higher wages than 80 percent of the countries here except Panama or Uruguay . The inflation rate of Chile is very low as well giving people a stability , also credit is readily available to help people tide over . Compared to Argentina life in Chile is much better for most people as people here struggle with 5 percent inflation per month , very low wages in us doillars . a currency that is continually devaluing that makes it impossible to make plans for the future . and credit nearly non existent . if you are lucky to get credit the interest rates are the highest in Latin America bar Venezuela .

Argentinian people are very tolerant and can put up with a lot . I agree with Sergio in his analysis that if the next government of Fernandez does not improve the economy and tame inflation peoples patience will explode . Their bronca will be directed to the business class and we wil see attacks similar to Chiles .

Of of all the countries in South America that have the most unequal social system is Brazil . There you have obscenely wealthy people living side by side with those in Favelas . Brazil social system is not generous like Argentinas ( was improved a lot under Lula ) I find it surprising that Chile implodes but Brazil does not . Chile is by all means a much better country to live in than Brazil and for that reason it has more inmigrants per capita than most of its neighbours excluding Argentina .
They have the best macro economics indicators but the micro economics sucks. You mentioned they have no inflation, however, the subway ticket increased it value several times being, already, too expensive because it cost 1 euro:
According to this short note from 2014, Chile had the widest inequality gap of the 34 countries the OECD looked at.

That's exactly why it is misleading to talk about how the Chilean economy is 'strong' and 'wealthy' or has 'the best economic indicators', without giving a more nuanced analysis of the data.

Sure, Chile has some good numbers, but the way they are stacked is explanatory of the social unrest. The whole argument that these are entitled, pretty well off, young people, who just want stuff for free, is a joke.


i find all South America has terrible inequality in wages but to say that Chile is worse than Brazil or Peru is laughable . The rich of Peru and Brazil are wealthier than in Chile and the poor in both countries much poorer . Chile has social mobility and credit is freely available for most citizens at attractive interest rates . Argentina interest rates are criminal and credit is nearly non existent .

Chile today has the highest home ownership per capita in Latin America due to the availabilty of credit .

I agree that Chile must do a lot more for the working classes but I believe that these is a black hand behind these protests as to destabilize this country . It is a not a grassroots movement that grew overnight . The destruction of the metro and supermarkets seemed very well planned and coordinated . This has all the signs of a false flag movement .
They have the best macro economics indicators but the micro economics sucks. You mentioned they have no inflation, however, the subway ticket increased it value several times being, already, too expensive because it cost 1 euro:
View attachment 6218

Inflation as per the official records is less than 2%... per year..!
Inflation as per the official records is less than 2%... per year..!

In Chile a huge problem they are having is all the uncontrolled inmigration that has changed irrevocably Santiago and made wages go down for the working classes as Haitians and Venezuelas work for much less money . This is a huge problem in Buenos Aires as well as 60 percent are in negro . These are issues that must be addressed on both sides of the political spectrum

This is a interesting comment from a youtube channel on Chile . Not my comment

Why dont news networks show how the government opened their borders to over a hundred thousand haitans. 100 000! In one year. And how peruvians and bolivians and Venezuelans come in and undercut the chilean in the job market. Why doesnt the news networks show or explain this to those ignorant protestors who are blaming ‘capitalism’ when its blatant government policy which is destroying the economy and sovereignty of chile
and the protests keep happening, this might very well be the end of right wing chile as we know it. if they get their own version of peronismo they are doomed!.

what's happening now in chile happened in argentina more than 100 years ago when the elite was in government, the macro economics were good but there were social issues that created tension and violence. from that first emerged the radicales and later the peronismo!. and then the country changed for (good??). the country made a huge turn and lost its path. yes a lot of social issues were solved at first but in the long term economic balanced was lost. argentina was the main economy of latin america in the late 19th century, look at it now. this could very well be chile in a few decades if they go down this road!
Inflation as per the official records is less than 2%... per year..!
Inflation is not devil.
In South America inflation shows the struggle between classes. You have no inflation but the cost of living is too high and it was rising. Salaries didn't. The 25% inflation we had with CFK was a was to finance of the State without international loans.