Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Happiness

Macri talks about Malvinas exactly as much as he needs to so as to avoid being branded a traitor. I doubt he gives a rat's derrière bajo about it.

Neither does CFK, but the Islands served her well. A shining example of her cynical, populist, propaganda-happy self: she knew nothing was going to change re sovereignty, and squeezed all the nationalistic brownie points she could out of the issue.

The ironic thing is that exactly two administrations were doing pretty bad and used the issue to rally the nation: the genocidal, racist, dictatorial regime... and CFK. (See what I did there?)
  1. Doesn't matter what Stolbizer said.
  2. What Macri did is Constitutional. I'm sure you know that. And if some dictator followed the Constitution in something that doesn't mean that particular clause in the Constitution should never be used again. If that were the case the CFK and the Congress (or even Alfonsin, but apparently no one told him about the fact that anyone who uses art. 99.19 of the Constitution is a dictator) should have tried to change the Constitution and remove that power given to the President.
Sure its healthy to be a "critic". Its extremely unhealthy to be obsessed with trying to interpret and change the facts according to your own worldview though.

It is not Stolbitzer only.

The President can use it under an emergency, not because he has not enough votes at the senate.

However, it was soo constitutional that he is fixing that mistake:
I'd be interested to hear the doc's views on Bonafini's outbursts at yesterday's FPV march against the new Macri government. Gosh, is it only a week?
"es la primera vez que un dictador llega por los votos a la casa de gobierno"
"Tenemos que armar miles y miles de plazas para que este hijo de puta sepa quiénes somos"
"Tenemos al enemigo en la Casa Rosada. No nos va a convencer con esa risa de hipócrita hijo de puta que tiene"
and others..................
"¡Macri, basura, vos sos la dictadura!"
"Estos que hoy nos gobiernan son hijos de la dictadura genocida y representan el mismo proyecto"
I'd be interested to hear the doc's views on Bonafini's outbursts at yesterday's FPV march against the new Macri government. Gosh, is it only a week?
"es la primera vez que un dictador llega por los votos a la casa de gobierno"
"Tenemos que armar miles y miles de plazas para que este hijo de puta sepa quiénes somos"
"Tenemos al enemigo en la Casa Rosada. No nos va a convencer con esa risa de hipócrita hijo de puta que tiene"
and others..................
"¡Macri, basura, vos sos la dictadura!"
"Estos que hoy nos gobiernan son hijos de la dictadura genocida y representan el mismo proyecto"

And she is basically the face of Human Rights in Argentina. wow.
I empathize with this Sorry Lady... She will receive no more CFK Funds ....! Her daughter out of a job ? Her University a cash box in trouble?
Ughh... que dictador!

Some of my Argies friends, well to do, highly educated , born and brought up in CABA have a view such as :-

Cuantos días faltarán para que Argentina mande tropas para combatir al iSIS?

Will love to hear comments of Ben, Bajo, El Queso, Ed Rooney & Rich One on this.
Some of my Argies friends, well to do, highly educated , born and brought up in CABA have a view such as :-

Cuantos días faltarán para que Argentina mande tropas para combatir al iSIS?

Not quite sure what you're saying here -- are you saying that only a few days more and Macri will be signing up to participate with the Americans, or are you saying now that the funds will have dried up for the Campora, ISIS will quickly lure the militants to fight for their cause?