Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Happiness

With all my respect, even Stolbitzer said that not even CFK dared to go that far. Nobody dared to point SC judges by a decree since 1854 and, if i don't remember wrong, it was after a civil war, so, it was well used.
Only dictator did.
It is very healthy to be very critic with officialism.
  1. Doesn't matter what Stolbizer said.
  2. What Macri did is Constitutional. I'm sure you know that. And if some dictator followed the Constitution in something that doesn't mean that particular clause in the Constitution should never be used again. If that were the case the CFK and the Congress (or even Alfonsin, but apparently no one told him about the fact that anyone who uses art. 99.19 of the Constitution is a dictator) should have tried to change the Constitution and remove that power given to the President.
Sure its healthy to be a "critic". Its extremely unhealthy to be obsessed with trying to interpret and change the facts according to your own worldview though.
Bonafini is a bit of a mystery. The man who made the claims that the children are alive and living in Europe is her ex-husband, who asked her to stop using the Bonafini name.

The names of the children actually re-appeared on the Padron Electoral in 2007. Again, a bit of a mystery, perhaps this was for a few more votes to CFK?? Perhaps it was a mistake. The reports about this were conspiratorial blogs etc

Then they found a body 10 years ago and asked Bonafini to provide DNA so that they could confirm whether it was one of the sons. She refused saying:

Hebe de Bonafini no sabía que en la Cámara Federal de La Plata existía esa información. Pero tampoco quiere conocerla. "No hay ningún juez, ni fiscal, ni diputado, ni presidente que tenga estatura moral para meterse en mi vida privada", exclamó cuando LA NACION le quiso dar a conocer los datos acerca de dónde podrían estar los restos de su hijo.​
"Nunca voy aceptar la muerte, ni la reparación económica, ni la exhumación de cadáveres. Si yo no lo investigué, nadie tiene autoridad para hacerlo. Mis hijos están vivos", sentenció.​

Interesting woman. Carlotto split from her because she couldn't stand the way Bonafini ran things.
When what happened to your children is your claim to fame - and you go ahead and claim a lot of fame - it kinda puts the whole 'meterse en mi vida privada' angle in question, doesn't it?

Sounds like a typical populist functionary/leader: entitled and shameless.
Fiscal Fein was Removed At Last....!! The Nissman case is given to Judge Palmaghini She will call superagent Stuiso to declare and he will spill the beans about his years with Nestor and Crisitina :rolleyes:
The person who made that comment (that they are abroad, not kiddnaped, torture and killed) is extreme right or extreme stupid.

I don't agree at all with her, but in politics everybody knows that she is f....ing crazy and why.

Warped? Really? Seems that your mother failed to teach you the meaning of the word respect.

She did a fine job of teaching me that respect is earned and not to be confused with courtesy. For the record.
Dictator Macri seems to have made the Qom happier.


A very savvy move. Macri is attacking the K movement on its declared and widely perceived 'home turf' - human rights. This bit is genius:

Tras la reunión, el Gobierno -por intermedio del ministro de Justicia Germán Garavano- anunció que el vínculo con los pueblos originarios y la resolución de sus demandas dejará de ser llevado bajo la órbita del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social para pasar al ámbito de Justicia, ya que "no se trata de asistencialismo sino de Derechos Humanos".

The truth is, that CFK's attitude to the Qom was bewildering, given her supposedly overarching commitment to human rights. Almost the only way I see to explain it is that the whole human rights thing was/is little more than a political power play, and as this issue would gain her no friends and votes, it was worthless to her. (But still - to refuse to even meet?) The other explanation is pure racism, plain and simple.

With a simple meeting, Macri throws all of that into sharp relief and draws a sharp distinction. Smart and classy.
A very savvy move. Macri is attacking the K movement on its declared and widely perceived 'home turf' - human rights. This bit is genius:

The truth is, that CFK's attitude to the Qom was bewildering, given her supposedly overarching commitment to human rights. Almost the only way I see to explain it is that the whole human rights thing was/is little more than a political power play, and as this issue would gain her no friends and votes, it was worthless to her. (But still - to refuse to even meet?) The other explanation is pure racism, plain and simple.

With a simple meeting, Macri throws all of that into sharp relief and draws a sharp distinction. Smart and classy.

Maybe CFK and nationalists cant really acknowledge the indigenous too much because then theyd have to recognize that Argentina was still a colonialist country after the spanish were kicked out, and continues to be. Of course this makes Argentina entirely hipocritical in its claim to the Las Malvinas. Macri doesnt really care about LM. Maybe his aim is to tarnish CFKs image with this move, maybe he really cares about the indigenous or both but recognizing the indigenous in this way doesn't help the cause of LM.