What A Moto Robbery Looks Like

I can't quite tell if you are being satiric. It's mostly the part where you seem to be saying that because the victim is an idiot and the thief didn't kill the idiot, that the idiot should not have posted the video on the internet, thereby "ruining" the thief's life.

I never said that he shouldn t posted the video, i just said that he did because he is alive and he is an idiot without codes who never understood that he is alive because his life was forgiven.
Instead, he thinks that he was sooooo smart.

Because I, personally, have no sympathy for the thief's plight. I would have loaded the video.

Me neither. But i don t judge him neither. I m a lawyer with a back ground of criminal law.

I have to ask if you have ever been confronted by a life-threatening experience, brought on to you by another person who, given the actions you are facing, may not seem to even be quite human? (after all, how the hell can someone who calls himself/herself human threaten to kill someone over a f***ing backpack?) Have you ever understood, first-hand, what it means being under someone else's control to the extent that the other person can actually decide whether you live or die and there is a moment when you really don't know if this could be the last breathe you draw?

Yes, more than once but when i m afraid i attack.
1) i was robbed about 15 years ago. They look like cops. They said they had a gun. I said, right, you want the money you show the gun or f..k off. They put the 9 mm in my head. I replied, "i respect profesionals working", they relaxed, i gave them the money, they left.

2) last summer i was taking my familly to the airport and we were attacked on the high way to Ezeiza. They tried to crash us to make US stop. I was with the babies and my wife. After i avoid the worst hit there was a cars persecution like in the movies. They tried hard to make us crash.

I récord them with the i-phone and i started the criminal case. I couldn't send them to jail because i didn't récord when they ambushed us.

If the idiot met them instead of him, he is súper dead. They were súper violent, limitless.

Now i drive with a camera like the idiot.

3) Sonebody i know is a commando. 4 criminals ambushed him and his pregnant wife. He was clear that he had a gun but he said he was not going to use it, that they can just take his car and leave. One of them shoot his wife in his belly just for fun. She lost his baby and they lost their lives.

This is what i mean when i appreciatte that the moto chorro decided to forgive the life of the idiot.

I have, twice in my life. It's no small thing. I've never been raped, but I must feel something similar about those two events that happened to me.

I didn't feel like that, sh...ts happends and i just was happy to manage properly the situation under presure.

Maybe didn't have any intention of killing the guy. But the Canadian didn't know that, and we don't either.

That's why i call him the idiot.
I hope he gets hits by a train then eaten by zombies while paralyzed. Maybe his next crime will be against someone who is armed and they will pop a couple holes in him...This whole thing is clear message that crime is ok and you will not be punished...This is very troubling and probably the main reason why I must GTFO of Argentina...The criminal blames the victim for the crime and people agree with the criminal...
Holy Horsepellets....
I am sure he will just go back to robberies....
No he should not be on TV. He should be in jail awaiting trial. Sadly the justice system in Argentina is perverted.

Right, here people is inocent until a judge sentence him to go to jail. Perverted, indeed.

The guy is a PR asset now, people know him, he gets the eyeballs and now all he needs is a positive spin. I would not be surprised if he came back on TV later with some fabricated story about how he changed his life, or whatever. That would make a lot of business sense. The tragedy is that if I any frustrated teenager poor with limited prospects sees this, now probably thinks, well...hmm.. I could also commit an armed robbery and get away with it... This story should have been span in a way that it is an isolated incident and the police is busy on its feet sorting it out (even if that was a gross exaggeration). It seems, that out of those who could do something no one really cares, other than the ones who have direct interest in tourism money. For everyone else it is just entertainment.

This is not me bashing Argentina, its a nice country with great people, but this story is just wrong and twisted on many levels.

Sooner, rather than later, he will publicly endorse Máximo's presidential candidacy.
That sounds like the lawyers that make the rape victim into a criminal.

Hey honey, weren't you wearing a mini-skirt that night?

It doesn't sound like that at all. Presumption of innocence is a basic and fundamental tenant of a just legal system.

That said....

Right, here people is inocent until a judge sentence him to go to jail. Perverted, indeed.

Innocent till proven guilty is all well and good but don't you see the difference between preventative prison for a first time ofender and for this guy, who has previously been convicted and jailed for armed robbery? Who after being released from jail was charged with illegal possession of a firearm? And who was at the time of his arrest carrying a criminal amount of illegal narcotics? Should there not be a balance struck between public interest and individual rights?
I never said that he shouldn t posted the video, i just said that he did because he is alive and he is an idiot without codes who never understood that he is alive because his life was forgiven.
Instead, he thinks that he was sooooo smart.

My original feeling in your message I quoted was somewhat reinforced by what I bolded above. You seem (words can be imprecise, I may be taking you wrong) to be feeling more irritation with this yanqui than outrage at what the thief did. You also seem to be quite used to the idea of armed robberies like this - they do happen quite a bit here, and they are just about all targets of opportunity - so are they all idiots who get robbed, or is this guy special?

Is a guy an idiot because he's faced with an unexpected situation and doesn't react like someone who is used to the idea (quite different from being aware of the possibility) of getting robbed at gunpoint?

And to what code are you referring? The one between thieves and victims that if the victim doesn't struggle the thief won't kill him? I, personally, recognize no such code and wouldn't trust it even if it were offered to me. My actions may come out that way as the least likely way to avoid dying, but I sure wouldn't take that as some kind of quid pro quo. It seems like you're saying the guy has no code because he loaded the video after the thief spared his life. I know you said that you didn't say that he should not have loaded the video, but I'm not quite getting your point with the extra bit about not having a "code" and the previous quote and my comment about the guy having loaded the video anyway.

Me neither. But i don t judge him neither. I m a lawyer with a back ground of criminal law.

Well, I don't tend to judge people without having some pretty good facts in evidence, but I'm not a lawyer and have not been trained to consider every possible exception in an attempt to defend a client. I have helped convict a drug dealer of a violent crime by participating in a criminal jury with less direct evidence (there was no recording of the bad guys pulling guns out from under their beds and shooting at the officers, wounding one, when the police raided their house, for example, had to rely on eyewitness testimony and cross-examination to feel confident about my verdict).

But considering there was a recording and the thief himself doesn't seem to dispute the relevant facts...I'm convinced he attempted an armed robbery and threatened the tourist's life

Yes, more than once but when i m afraid i attack.
1) i was robbed about 15 years ago. They look like cops. They said they had a gun. I said, right, you want the money you show the gun or f..k off. They put the 9 mm in my head. I replied, "i respect profesionals working", they relaxed, i gave them the money, they left.

2) last summer i was taking my familly to the airport and we were attacked on the high way to Ezeiza. They tried to crash us to make US stop. I was with the babies and my wife. After i avoid the worst hit there was a cars persecution like in the movies. They tried hard to make us crash.

I récord them with the i-phone and i started the criminal case. I couldn't send them to jail because i didn't récord when they ambushed us.

If the idiot met them instead of him, he is súper dead. They were súper violent, limitless.

Now i drive with a camera like the idiot.

3) Sonebody i know is a commando. 4 criminals ambushed him and his pregnant wife. He was clear that he had a gun but he said he was not going to use it, that they can just take his car and leave. One of them shoot his wife in his belly just for fun. She lost his baby and they lost their lives.

We all have our breaking point for something like this. Mine happened to be handcuffed by rogue law enforcement officers, taken to some dark woods a ways off the highway where I'd been stopped (I was returning from university to visit my folks), and beaten. Back in the cops' car I was threatened with a further beating by the use of a medieval mace and this at a time when "hippies" were being murdered by police officers in the same state...that's where my feeling of rape came from. I really didn't think I was walking out of those woods alive. I also have a healthy dose of suspicion when dealing with law enforcement officers simply because any one of them can be as bad as those two who treated me like a piece of meat to be punched on. These guys weren't thieves, though, they were animals pure and simple.

I thought the robbery I'd been victim of in Angola was scary, I seem to have felt it much more so than you say you felt with yours. I got turned around in Luanda coming home to my hotel from a meal with some fellow expat workers there. Two guys stepped out of a doorway as I passed, one of them hit me on the back of the head (had to have been with the heel of his hand or something, just stunned me) and I fell. Didn't understand a word of Portuguese they were shouting at me. Had one guy reaching into my pockets while the other one stood over me with a gun pointed at my face. I didn't have anything on me but a little bit of cash. I gave up my money and didn't say a thing when they ran off. Stupid thing to do, getting lost the way I did - but I'm not an idiot although I have made some decisions in my life that were not exactly brilliant in retrospect.

I just don't expect someone to rob me, although I am now always watchful for it. I haven't been robbed in some 20 years. But to me, they were violations. I have zero sympathy for thieves and/or thugs, particularly the armed variety. Nothing justified their behavior, I don't care how they were brought up. A reality, yes, but not something to get used to.

This is what i mean when i appreciatte that the moto chorro decided to forgive the life of the idiot.

I didn't feel like that, sh...ts happends and i just was happy to manage properly the situation under presure.

That's why i call him the idiot.

Maybe the Canadian was not very bright in how he handled things. As far as even being there - many people go to places that can be dangerous, particularly in a group and in the daytime. This guy was with a group, and he got cut off from them like a gazelle separated from the herd by a feline predator. He gave the thief the bike pretty quickly (once he realized the thief hadn't just almost collided with him by accident, BTW, that's what I thought when I first saw the video even knowing a robbery would be taking place) and didn't seem to understand what else he wanted (maybe he had nothing really valuable in the backpack and figured the guy wanted the bike to begin with).

You're willing to (or as a lawyer you seem to be saying you must) believe in the thief's innocence until found guilty in court, but you condemn the Canadian as an idiot? Maybe he could have handled things better - but an idiot?

And the thief, from many comments I've seen in a number of places from Argentinos, is sympathized with at least by many.
So this guy is out walking the streets? Armed robbery = freedom until judge sentences you to jail? Where is the part before this where you want people like this OFF the street and refused bail because they are dangerous. Am I missing something? I would suggest there is enough evidence to charge him with armed robbery and hold him in custody until the trial.
Sounds like a double standard to me. If the victim were a woman coming home from work, and she posts that on youtube... i very much doubt the chorro would be doing interviews. People would be out with their pots and pans, or maybe even a lynching, but i doubt that you would be calling her an idiot.

Speaking of idiots... who were the IDIOTS that could have prevented the deaths at Cromagnon? The owners of the bar? The fire-inspectors who let the place slide for a kick-back? Or may it was the parents of the MANY under-aged teens who went to that concert. Who are the idiots and who are the criminals? There are certainly those that had a criminal hand causing that event and yet, they are not celebrated on the media... and no one called those victims idiots. The Canadian is an idiot why, because he wasn't behaving as a victim should in BA? Because he's doesn't live here? Because he posted a video of an experience in a tourist outing?

I wouldn't hold my breath for any fair justice, or consideration in a court of law or a court of opinion as long as I am a foreigner in Argentina. I can't even play in the park with my daughter speaking in English with her without getting glared at or ridiculed.
And my opinion is that criminals should feel the full force of the damage they cause and then some. If a pedophile, murderer, violent offender, rapist is identified, then they should have their faces splattered all over the place so everyone would know who and what they did. I haven't any sympathy for that man, nor do I buy that bullshit story he concocted. Now he's got dollar signs in his eyes and gaining sympathy from popular opinion.