What A Moto Robbery Looks Like

Scooter dirtbag was last seen fleeing on horseback towards the Cholila valley with a male matching the description of Santiago Vera and a female matching the description of Florencia Marina Daud.

If its still up you'll see there has been a virtual linchamiento via LN online, some super sleuth picked the license plate of the bike, got his DNI and from that got his address.

You all know that from your license plate you can easily get the DNI and using a publically available website you can get the address of the person.

Papu Chorrito lives in Boedo
Fun fact - a google image search for fraudster, scoundrel and all round blackguard Florencia Marina Daud returns as its 5th result this personage:
Nice little viral video for GoPro, looking forward to seeing it on their next advertising campaign along with the snowboarders and mountain bikers.
Fun fact - a google image search for fraudster, scoundrel and all round blackguard Florencia Marina Daud returns as its 5th result this personage:
That's Frenchie

I did a Google Search on Fuguzzeta in Santiago, to see where I can eat my favorite dish in Chile's capital and all I get is Pauper's song....
Is frenchie a chance to play the Pinkerton Agency detective in the upcoming movie 'Sin Casco and the Sanudo Kid'?
If its still up you'll see there has been a virtual linchamiento via LN online, some super sleuth picked the license plate of the bike, got his DNI and from that got his address.

You all know that from your license plate you can easily get the DNI and using a publically available website you can get the address of the person.

Papu Chorrito lives in Boedo

If it's him, the person doesn't appear to have much of an online presence, unless it has been deleted recently.

Its not much sleuthing when you don't even need to pause the video. It clearly shows his number plate in the video.
