What Are "sheeple", Exactly?


I didn't travel five thousand miles to Buenos Aires, just to watch two hillbillies fight!
I didn't travel five thousand miles to Buenos Aires, just to watch two hillbillies fight!

If you get in your car right now you can be in Oakland in time for dinner with ajo...possibly even happy hour.

PS: This is not a "feud" and never has been. It isn't even a debate.

PS2: That's not a dead horse I was beating, but you were close.
Webster definition of "feud": a mutual enmity or quarrel that is often prolonged or inveterate

It fits the definition perfectly.
Webster definition of "feud": a mutual enmity or quarrel that is often prolonged or inveterate

It fits the definition perfectly.

WordNet Dictionary definition of "expatriate": move away from one's native country and adopt a new residence abroad.

Neither you or ajo presently fit that definition, so why should one of you dominate this "expat" forum with an onslaught of insults. falsehoods, and intentional misquotes and the other (only) complain when someone who actually is an expat replies to them?
Well at least you accept yourself as a Feudster even it you don't identify as one. The first step is denial. Next step is anger.

I know Ajo accepts that he is in a feud of biblical proportions.


This is similar to the feud between Olbermann and O'Riley
Well at least you accept yourself as a Feudster even it you don't identify as one. The first step is denial. Next step is anger.

I know Ajo accepts that he is in a feud of biblical proportions.

I'm gland you mentioned denial. The "like" which ajo gaveth and then tooketh away was one in which I complimented his post.

Liking was not likely an accident and neither was unliking it.

It looks like he will deny it until he meets an imaginary being or a 2000 year old zombie.

I agree that he accepts that he is in a feud of biblical proportions...and Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is his bible.

If that's the case, I am loaded for bear.

PS: If it makes you feel better, stay in your home country (comforting the women and children) until it's over and the all clear has sounded.

Or just do what ejoct suggested and turn off your browser.
He denies he hit the Like button because he is stubborn and immature. Analogous to someone that won't admit that he is in a feud.
Ok, I'll admit I'm in a feud, but it's with a sniper who fights with insults instead of arguments. I don't often return fire and never do so using the same, low caliber ammo.

If I did I'd have made at least five hundred more posts in the past 30 months.

Definitions can be misleading without context.

Now, lets see the sniper can admit he liked and unliked my post.....before I have to drop the big one.