What Food From Your Home Country Did The Argentinians Ruin?

Don't get me started about chorizo/choripan. My stomach invariably enters an emergency state during hours whenever I eat a choripan, at whatever location, somewhere in town or at someone's asado, it's tempting food but I always feel really bad afterwards.

Heh, there's a quote from Bismarck, something like, "in politics as in sausage-making, one is often happier not knowing the precise ingredients that went into making the finished product".

I have bought chorizo at the local carnicería and baked it myself with no ill effects, it's just a bit too salty for my taste. And, of course, it's nothing like the chorizo of Mexico...
(/me thinks fond thoughts of chorizo con huevos)
Don't get me started about chorizo/choripan. My stomach invariably enters an emergency state during hours whenever I eat a choripan, at whatever location, somewhere in town or at someone's asado, it's tempting food but I always feel really bad afterwards.

Don't knock choripan, sir. I cannot live without it! One of the best bad foods ever in my opinion. The key I think to lessening the after effects is a healthy dose of malbec wine while eating it, and also some chimicurri. Never, and I mean never, eat more than one. You will regret it.
Also I recommend that you make sure that you eat the best chorizo possible. Not all chorizo is equal by a long shot. The best kinds will usually have red bellpepper in it, and have less fat content. There are certain places where I avoid chorizo like the plague because I know my stomach will revolt afterwards.
Don't get me started about chorizo/choripan. My stomach invariably enters an emergency state during hours whenever I eat a choripan, at whatever location, somewhere in town or at someone's asado, it's tempting food but I always feel really bad afterwards.

I limit myself to one choripán per annum, and that works out well.
She's in a guest house apparently. She could have ordered food or gone out to eat somewhere though.

Milanesas can be horrible. Some are not too bad. But the poor woman was fed milanesas all week long last week. Is there anything else for the love of God?

I am at my father-in-law place, aka the Argentinian Simpsons.
I think it is not polite to order take away food when you are a guest and they are cooking heating food for the whole family. I just faked some nausea/headache.

In 20 days I had pizza rellena, empanadas, choripan, milanesa (de soya al horno, pizza size from some place near here) on rotation.
They tried to make me feel home by offering to cook some pasta... and I dreamt of a simple spaghetti & tomato sauce, finally something simple! But instead it was ravioli with onions and rosemary and some tomato. Kill.me.now.

I saw them making pasta here at home... it is disgusting. They take a little pot and fill it with pasta and little water, heat it up so that the pasta, out of desperation, has to suck up the water. Then when it becomes a shapeless pulp, they serve it, water included. Didn't they eve wonder why the Italian cuisine is so beloved/famous throughout the world? Definitely not for that junk pasta. ...Oh, and I forgot... if there is any pulp-pasta left over, they put the pan in the fridge and heat it up the next day. God forbid to waste this precious s**t!
The soy milanesa, the Simpsons' way: heat in the oven as many soy milanesas you'd like. Take an entire tomato and an entire peeled onion, put them in the middle of the table. Each guest will cut their own slice of tomato and onion and eats it with the soy milanesa.

No dressing or cooking needed.
I am at my father-in-law place, aka the Argentinian Simpsons.
I think it is not polite to order take away food when you are a guest and they are cooking heating food for the whole family. I just faked some nausea/headache.

In 20 days I had pizza rellena, empanadas, choripan, milanesa (de soya al horno, pizza size from some place near here) on rotation.
They tried to make me feel home by offering to cook some pasta... and I dreamt of a simple spaghetti & tomato sauce, finally something simple! But instead it was ravioli with onions and rosemary and some tomato. Kill.me.now.

I saw them making pasta here at home... it is disgusting. They take a little pot and fill it with pasta and little water, heat it up so that the pasta, out of desperation, has to suck up the water. Then when it becomes a shapeless pulp, they serve it, water included. Didn't they eve wonder why the Italian cuisine is so beloved/famous throughout the world? Definitely not for that junk pasta. ...Oh, and I forgot... if there is any pulp-pasta left over, they put the pan in the fridge and heat it up the next day. God forbid to waste this precious s**t!

My god, Isadora, you poor thing, you must be in hell. Cooking like that should be reported to the ICC as a crime against humanity. Or a hate crime, at least. If I cooked like that, my grandmother would come back to haunt me.
Ah ! I miss those wonderfull real Italiano foods in N.Y.C. little Italy right next to Chinatown..
Those pasta al dente, Quisi mangia bene !