What Food From Your Home Country Did The Argentinians Ruin?

There's an Argentine empanada house in Houston that's been around since the 70s (my mom went back in her 20s)
They have the traditional Argentine flavors, and choripanes, but they also have changed a lot and offer a lot of Texan-ized flavors that are the most delicious empanadas I've ever had only to hear to my Argentine husband say "Brisket!? Chipotle?! Serrano Peppers!? That's NOT an empanada!" He was right, but it's amazing. Because it's cultural and food adapts!

Also my never ending complaint here is how all the food feels like it's missing something, falta algo...usually that something is hot sauce or cheese (I'm a tex mex girl! whatcha gonna do), only to hear my local friend complain about a US visit "ohh but the food in the states is always too much, I don't know just....too much of something" It's all relative!

For those passing through Houston at some point (forgive the strip mall local, the original burned down) http://www.theoriginalmarinis.com/Empanadas-2
The only locally produced item I stay away from like the plague is locally produced Gin and Vodka!
I'd rather drink just tap water and go dry! But this also happends in other countries which produce their own, i.e. Czech Republic for gin.
I get a hangover when the stuff in poured into my glass!
I went to a place where they make pasta stuff *their* Italian way and there was absolutely nothing spelled correctly.
From fettuchini (fettuccine) to fussili (fusilli), to ñoquis (gnocchi), talgiatelle (tagliatelle) and linguini (linguine)

Plus the sauces... what the hell is a salsa filetto?! I thought it was some kind of meta sauce (ragù), but it turned out it is simple tomato sauce with garlic.

I saw a clothing store called "Porko Trio" which sounds very alike to "porco dio" - I don't dare to translate this, it is blasphemous! You can check them out on Facebook, too.

Stay away from a gelato place on Santa Fe. It's meant to be called dieci but it's spelled diechi. Give me a break.
I don't know where to start on the Italian cuisine as they call it here... they overdo with everything, odd pizzas as tick as cakes topped with a finger-thick layer of queso which is very far from the subtle flavour of the Italian mozzarella (don't get me started on the Argentinian mozzarella, please).
Their idea of pasta is limited to ravioli, and today I was offered cannelloni which where really omelets filled with onion and spinaches, plus tomato sauce and queso, etc.

So I understand it correctly that you are italian? So maybe you can explain it to me. What happened to your paisanos? Do they forget how to make authentic italian food after a couple of generations across the ocean? Why isn't there more?
I don't know who's Italian? I'm Argentine of Irish parents! And I mad no comments about Irish cuisine :rolleyes:
Agree with Esteban de Praga...! So much NEGATIVITY ....negative negative, find something positive instead in Pastel de Papas or Empanadas Salteñas... :D Possibly this Negativity of Expats comes from Frustration derived from Lack of Sex..?? :cool:

Any other theories??

Pastel de Papas tradicional

Yummy but must be Browned on top!!!!

Isadora, let it go, food here sucks, but the locals will for the most part never agee with you. And then even when they go abroad, ugh, I cannot stand hearing from my mother-in-law how the one time she's ever been out of the country she went to Barcelona and while there to Paris for a weekend with her son and how HORRIBLE the pastries and desserts were. They bought some cake and took it back to their hotel and it was HORRIBLE. Probably because it didn't have any dulce de leche in it. I actually couldn't hold my tongue one time, I finally said to her, I'm sorry, but anyone who says that French pastries and desserts are horrible must have somehow managed to wander into the absolute worst bakery in the country and bought a 4 day old cake, because I refuse to believe that a country that is practically the birthplace for desserts and pastries around the world could possibly have produced something worse than the disgusting dulce de leche and chocolate tortas they have here.

My mother-in-law fancies herself a specialist in desserts, but every single one that she makes is like a BOMB in your sttomach, even the "mousse" things she makes since they aren't actually mousse but gelatin. I have never heard of the use of so much gelatin for making a mousse in my life, or banho de reposteria -- wtf? That stuff is mostly oil and cheapest crap out there.
Hehehe I think you don´t have a problems with Arg food in reality it is the MIL effect :D
Today my mother-in-law called to invite us to dinner on Saturday night and excitedly announced she will be making Mondongo -- the one Argentine food that I really, truly, cannot stomach at all (haha pun intended for those of you who know what the dish is!) She asked if I like it, I've had it before and can say I truly truly do not like this dish. Anyway I told her, look, it's not my favourite but do not go out of the way to make anything different for me, I'm not going to inconvenience her. I suspect I'll find myself eating patitas or whatever she serves to the kids!
Today my mother-in-law called to invite us to dinner on Saturday night and excitedly announced she will be making Mondongo -- the one Argentine food that I really, truly, cannot stomach at all (haha pun intended for those of you who know what the dish is!) She asked if I like it, I've had it before and can say I truly truly do not like this dish. Anyway I told her, look, it's not my favourite but do not go out of the way to make anything different for me, I'm not going to inconvenience her. I suspect I'll find myself eating patitas or whatever she serves to the kids!

Or guatitas...