What, In Your Opinion, Is Argentina's Culture

Germans, hence their inability to dance.

As told to me by a guy from Valparaiso!

Valparaiso has actually also a strong English influence. They even have an English fire department (fire engines decorated with Union Jacks etc.). Regarding their dancing skills ... it is impossible that this would be the result of German immigration ;)
You can add Chile to that list. Strong European influence.

All American countries have a strong European influence, period. Most of the Central and South American countries have a stronger Spanish influence than anything else. A few Central and South American countries, like Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Chile, have been heavily influenced by more than just mostly Spanish European culture. Of course it's more complex than that but that's the basic gist of it.
Where does that not apply?

Indeed (that was about "contrasts").

But it's rather in the meaning of extremes. Like for individuals. You can meet some folks in life who manage to have at the same time huge qualities (few people have to that extent) & huge defects (ditto). While some other folks are more "average" (not that bad, but not that good either).

Well, it seems to me Argentinians belong to the first category. That's actually one of the reasons I like so much their mentality (and why it makes me so upset at times... At least you never get bored).
Argentines have the uncanny ability to turn anything they are doing (something done very well or extremely badly) into part of their culture. The are able to criticize, fight for, and blow things out of proportion for their own fracas but will not tolerate even a well-meaning a foreigners comments. They are proud of not only their talents, but their melees as well. It kind of reminds me of a cross between a bad mood version of Charlie Chaplin and Zapp Brannigan.

Seems like a lot of issue end with the summation "...es lo que hay." as the catch-all escape to the continued hardships in their history. People here have weathered many storms, and continue a few days later like nothing happened... but if you gauge that same principal on some of the looong drawn out weekly scandals presented ad-nauseam on local talk shows, then it's contrary. They certainly are proud of their suffering too.

I mentioned in another post how they sneer at capitalist, colonialist society, but I think that secretly they would not hesitate to be the big dog, opportunistically, and apologetically grabbing at power to do some of their own capitalizing. We got a guy at my office like this... and he's fiercely proud of this trait.