What, In Your Opinion, Is Argentina's Culture

Gpop, several months ago I posted here on a different thread the following quote from Giuseppe di Lampedusa's novel THE LEOPARD (1958):

"Sicilians don't ever want to be better for the simple reason that they are perfect - and their vanity is greater than their misfortune."

Just substitute Argentines for Sicilians.
[sub]One of the best end results of the mixing of cultures in BA is the way the women look. Spanish, Italian, a little French and a few other blood mixes and what do you get? Perhaps the best looking women on earth! I cannot speak for Argentine men because I really don't look at them. I'm straight......[/sub]
The British influence was fleeting, The Brits did not plant their genetics here!! Other than Almirante Brown how many other Brits became famous?. How many Brits descendants are presently members of Congres?, Italians the most part of them.

Have you been to the Welsh towns in the south?
Ok the British influence isn't as bit as the Italian or Spanish but you can see it.
Unfortunately due to stupid nationalism Argentina has tried to hide its past links with Britain.
It's pretty difficult to describe a culture in the Americas,i know this first hand, the culture and customs of Buenos Aires are not the same as the ones in the patagonia or Catamarca for the matter.Comes down to the challenges and topography of each area,also has a lot to do with the immigrations as far as customs in for example food.Try to compare a Brooklyn family with a rural family in Nebraska and it'll be pretty hard to establish common grounds no matter in what time period you put it.In short in America north or south there is not one culture per country.That's what i have observed over the years.I hope this helps
[sub]One of the best end results of the mixing of cultures in BA is the way the women look. Spanish, Italian, a little French and a few other blood mixes and what do you get? Perhaps the best looking women on earth! I cannot speak for Argentine men because I really don't look at them. I'm straight......[/sub]
I am not an expert on this topic but the average white Argentine also seems much taller than your average Spaniard: must be the mix of blood here. And a lot of people with northern Italian descent sometimes look more German que otra cosa.