What is wrong with these people!?

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Dmiller said:
My thoughts go out to all the victims families and love ones. If you idiots want to argue about nothing go do it somewhere else. Cause no one really wants to hear it. Get a life and stop being trolls. No need for names we all can see the posts.

Take it easy, Dmiller.
This person is some sort of MKUltra vicitm. It has been reported that a man sitting in the theatre was observed going to the emergency exit and opening the door for the shooter to come in, so the gunman was not acting alone. This incident is way too convenient to be real for the powers that be, especially considering the UN treaty that is up for signing by the US government banning small weapon sales to civilians. The fact of the matter is, were there theatre goers carrying concealed weapons, this manchurian gunman would have been take out in a matter of seconds. It smelly fishy to me and I do not believe any of what the MSM is reporting.
vr236 said:
However sad it may sound it is pure statistics. In a population of 400 million you are bound to find a few psychopaths. And not all psychopaths kill. But I believe it came from within his twisted mind, had he not used a gun he would have used a baseball bat.
Psychopath, noun a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.
Unless his mother who seemed to know him well, had alerted officials, it could not have been stopped. But rarely does a mother go against her own child.

My thoughts and sympathies are with the family members. May they find a way to heal.

There was a great documentary on BBC about Psychopathy. They know these people are wired differently and they can actually see the differences in scans.

The presenter discovers that he himself is actually wired like a Psychopath, actually has these differences and has a relative who killed a few people.

You can watch it on youtube.

One of the arguments for tougher gun laws is that regular citizens cannot/should not be trusted with firearms and that we as a society would be safer and better off if we allowed trained government agents to have the monopoly of the use of firearms.

Sounds pretty reasonable, until a video like this gets aired. The events of this video happened yesterday. Would you trust these guys to have the monopoly on the use of firearms? Who watches the watchmen?

steveinbsas said:

That means what we (as native speakers of English) mean exactly what we say (or write)`when we speak English...unless we are in error.

Even though I have lived in Argentina for six years I would never refer to myself as a local.

In each and every case it is an inappropriate term to describe either a native or a foreign visitor because it is imprecise (vague), to say the least.

I thought that this was just a forum, where anyone could write and participate.
(and please don't shout).

Of course you couldn't refer to yourself as a local if you are not...and nothing wrong with the way I put it. I'm a local, of course is not the way we say that here, but it's the way you can understand me as English is not my own language and I'm really bad at that.
Besides, even though I was born here, sometimes I feel a total stranger, no doubt, for many reasons from being too formal about dates (to me 2.00 is 2.00 and not 2.15...), to issues related with ethics, etc.

best wishes boy, take it easy.
And I am very surprised about the great amount of fundamentalism I can read here. I can't believe it!
The post telling that cars or knives should be banned is totally wrong, as we may be need cars (not sure) and we need knives, but we really don't need guns unless somebody could convince me that we need to kiill people. I don't need kill anyone, really.
BASailor said:
best wishes boy, take it easy.

Hey, Sailor, who u be callin boy? ;)

In US English, the term "local" rarely (if ever) is used to describe a citizen of the country.

It only means someone who lives in a particular area on a long term basis...in most cases not less than a year, especially in resort towns like Aspen and Park City.
PhilinBSAS said:
Lady in LA with gun saves how many ? Wait a moment she was a Security Guard so was regulated and licenced so you dont see any distinction there. That's curious.

Ah also Lady says "I just prayed to the Holy Spirit to guide me," d at a packed news conference Monday. "I give the credit to God. This has got to be God, because of the firepower he had versus what I have."

So people need Guns to carry out "God's Work" I see.

Curious it wasnt God who stopped in the first place?

Do you think before you write or do you just crap all over your keyboard in the hopes that it might make a sentence?

Also, did you even read the article? LA? She was in Colorado.

As for your very immature statements about her faith and what stopped her god. Your statements are just as dumb as someone saying, "James Holmes said he was "the Joker", I wonder why Batman never showed up."

I have to wonder why it bothers you so much that she is a Christian and wasn't ashamed of saying what she believed. Whether you or I think differently from her doesn't mean she shouldn't say what she thinks. She believes it was God (or whatever else), I know it was her gun. End of story. Grow up a little. (At least she's not killing others in the name of her god, like some other idiots out there do).

And for getting statistics. I guess you were drunk when you read my post and only paid attention to the last paragraph when my post was actually about murders perpetrated with tools other than guns. Re read it and stop wasting my time.
WHO is it that is crazy? I just read an email from Mike Adams (Health Ranger) and he asks the question that persists in my mind:

How can a lone gunman fire off at least 100 rounds in a crowded theater full of people and have NOBODY fight back, shoot back or attempt to tackle him?
The guy literally walked in, tossed a couple of smoke bombs, started shooting everybody in sight, and for some reason that remains entire unexplained, they let him do it. When he finished, he walked out the door and calmly surrendered to police, mission accomplished. He was never shot at, stabbed, kicked, punched, tripped or attacked in any way whatsoever, apparently.

It amazes me that in America there was not one soul in the entire theater that could take the guy out.
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