bomber said:
And many more want to ignore the fact that the US constitution was written in a different time, and that times have changed.
Is burning witches in the constitution anywhere by any chance??
As I mentioned in the rest of what I wrote, if it needs changing, have the states ratify the changes. It's been done before. It's a valid way to change with the times. Ignoring it and writing laws that violate it is how tyranny comes about.
It's the reason that a lot of states have secessionist movements that are seeing increased interest. Texas now has nearly 20% of the population that think secession would be a good thing.
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the US is too big, is trying to cater to too many different viewpoints and desires, and with such a strong, corrupt federal system it is stealing the US populace blind while pretending to care? Do we really need super powers who spend on their military budget equal to what every other nation on Earth combined spends while we go into debt we can never repay without debasing our currency to the point its worthless?
Can we not do great things as human beings without stealing from each other at gunpoint? Where does it stop?
Burning witches isn't in the constitution. But fixing slavery was. It's a shame that it wasn't fixed when the country was started, and it's a shame it was fixed the way it was. But at least amendments were passed outlawing slavery.
Instead of getting in the habit of ignoring the constitution to make change, perhaps the US should be of an appropriate size and common constituency to be able to agree on major changes and amend the constitution accordingly. Otherwise, let the states make their own laws regulating whatever they want and let people migrate to the state that provides a life closer to what they like.
No, makes a lot more sense to force everyone to be the same. Not.