When are apartment prices finally going to fall??

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Is wandererbird also futbol junkie, granadaiscool, blahbalh, etc?

Is he using a "hide my ip" to fool those who manage this site?

Looks like it to me...
wandererbird said:
Don't get nasty.

The point is first, a question if people think apt. prices will fall back to a more reasonable level. They're inflated right now. If you're paying $1300/month for rent in BUENOS AIRES you're nuts.

That's the second point. I'm willing to pay more for better value elsewhere...like Brazil, which is a more interesting country in the end. Price is a major attraction for Buenos Aires. Either that, or I'd go some place like Thailand or Vietnam and live for 1/4 the price without the pretensions.

True rent in Bangkok is much lower than here.Im paying exactly the same here for a one bedroom apt that I did in Bangkok for a 5 brm/5bth house.However if you think things like infrastructure and services are bad here go to SE Asia,with Singapore(major $$$) being the lone exception,all of SE Asia makes this place look like a well oiled machine.We wont even get into the current political drama in Thailand.....

At the end of the day the Argies will charge whatever they want for apartments,and either will eventually lower the prices or the places will sit empty...
Denver said:
This is my observation too and it is mind-numbing. The state is an enabler in this with their import restrictions. High tariffs serve only to buy votes and to develop bad domestic business practices.


Yes, practically every foreigner used to REAL capitalism is annoyed but the way argentines swimm against the tide in this. As well as in MANY other things.

And you dont have to go far. I am Brazilian. And I never understood their non-business mind here. They just do not know how to do business.

I wont even START to tell some of the zillions of stories that I had within my 5 years here. It is ridiculous.

I went back to Brazil and, even though I criticisemy own country in many aspects (as I think all normal people do wth their own place), it was just so much more comfortable. And the honest atittude I got from the inmobiliaria I got there amazed me - after 5 years here and all attempts to steal my deposits for apartments, getting everything ruled by a contract in a bank account (those that cannot have any kind of withdrawals etc), getting more money back than what i had deposited in reales and no stress at all was a shock. A good one.

BRazil is only "more expensive" in dollars, as some have already said, cuzz the real is doing well against the dollar (industry, economy, leadership, whatever you say).

But things in general are much cheaper than here. Quality is much better. And for 700 dollars theer you get a much better deal. Trust me.

I'll be back there soon. And happy about it. Besos.
If the "you pay 1300 a month, you're nuts" post was directed towards me, I think is is a perfectly fair price, especially given size, location, amenities, the fact that it's fully furnished, etc. Quite frankly, an apt is worth what someone will pay for it. And I have no complaints about paying it and in fact, am pretty confident that it is more than a fair price.

But to each his/her own. If you choose a city based on cost alone, I think you're going to spend a lifetime moving.
gulabjamun said:
Yes, practically every foreigner used to REAL capitalism is annoyed but the way argentines swimm against the tide in this. As well as in MANY other things.

And you dont have to go far. I am Brazilian. And I never understood their non-business mind here. They just do not know how to do business.

I wont even START to tell some of the zillions of stories that I had within my 5 years here. It is ridiculous.

I went back to Brazil and, even though I criticisemy own country in many aspects (as I think all normal people do wth their own place), it was just so much more comfortable. And the honest atittude I got from the inmobiliaria I got there amazed me - after 5 years here and all attempts to steal my deposits for apartments, getting everything ruled by a contract in a bank account (those that cannot have any kind of withdrawals etc), getting more money back than what i had deposited in reales and no stress at all was a shock. A good one.

BRazil is only "more expensive" in dollars, as some have already said, cuzz the real is doing well against the dollar (industry, economy, leadership, whatever you say).

But things in general are much cheaper than here. Quality is much better. And for 700 dollars theer you get a much better deal. Trust me.

I'll be back there soon. And happy about it. Besos.

O Brasil é o melhor do mundo, o mais bonito, o mais espetacular e maior da América Latina.

Ir para o Brasil e não vai ficar desapontado com tamanha beleza, que é porque eu gulabjamun estou na Argentina.

Muitos beijos para você também.
Lucas said:
O Brasil é o melhor do mundo, o mais bonito, o mais espetacular e maior da América Latina.

Ir para o Brasil e não vai ficar desapontado com tamanha beleza, que é porque eu gulabjamun estou na Argentina.

Muitos beijos para você também.

Eh? I just Google translated this and I can't tell if it's snarky or not.

I do, however, agree that Brazil is the "best, most beautiful, most spectacular and largest in Latin America."
steveinbsas said:
Are you here in BA?

If so, why?

This annoys me.

Why do we have to agree with everything wehn we live somewhere?

"Why are you in BsAs if you say bad things about it?"

Perhaps people just say what they see. And what they see is bad. And why others want to hide it???

Really, I can't understand this.

As well as I cannot understand this "blame the US" attittude ALL the f*in time.
To put some perspective reading certain posts,
let's not forget that before this crisis started, an African kid was dying
every 5 seconds, one year ago it was every 3 seconds.
It would be fun (ironic) to make them read the thread but they have other concerns I guess.
Lucas said:
O Brasil é o melhor do mundo, o mais bonito, o mais espetacular e maior da América Latina.

Ir para o Brasil e não vai ficar desapontado com tamanha beleza, que é porque eu gulabjamun estou na Argentina.

Muitos beijos para você também.

Hey Lucas, your portuguese could at least make some sense.

Try English next time, if you cannot use even Google languages.

En otras palabras, podés tb escribir en español. (In other words, you can also write in SPanish).

Pero JAMAS mentir sobre TU PAIS, LA ARGENTINA, en ningun idioma. (But NEVER lie abotu your own country, ARGENTINA, in any language.)(I am sure you are argentine cuzz only an argentine coudl write a message calling us the best country in the world - no Brazilian has such an ego... even though... guess what? IT IS.)

Si, vivi en Argentina y me harté de tanta falta de honestidad. (Yes, I have lived in Argentina and the problem is I got tired of so much of a dishonest atittude in so many aspects of daily life here.)

Y muchos aqui en el foro tb, por lo que veo. (as well as many others here in this forum, form what I see.)

No miento sobre tu pais, peor tampoco sobre el mio. (I do not lie about your country, but much less about my own.)

Have a good monday!
ssr said:
Eh? I just Google translated this and I can't tell if it's snarky or not.

I do, however, agree that Brazil is the "best, most beautiful, most spectacular and largest in Latin America."

EXACTLY! I just said so. MAkes no sense at all.

I know some low atittude would come if I said i was Brazilian.

FIVE years of this here my friends. Still, I like Argentina, but do not lie about it.

Argentines, after all. Sorry Lucas, but you just gimme the the reason.

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