Yes, practically every foreigner used to REAL capitalism is annoyed but the way argentines swimm against the tide in this. As well as in MANY other things.
And you dont have to go far. I am Brazilian. And I never understood their non-business mind here. They just do not know how to do business.
I wont even START to tell some of the zillions of stories that I had within my 5 years here. It is ridiculous.
I went back to Brazil and, even though I criticisemy own country in many aspects (as I think all normal people do wth their own place), it was just so much more comfortable. And the honest atittude I got from the inmobiliaria I got there amazed me - after 5 years here and all attempts to steal my deposits for apartments, getting everything ruled by a contract in a bank account (those that cannot have any kind of withdrawals etc), getting more money back than what i had deposited in reales and no stress at all was a shock. A good one.
BRazil is only "more expensive" in dollars, as some have already said, cuzz the real is doing well against the dollar (industry, economy, leadership, whatever you say).
But things in general are much cheaper than here. Quality is much better. And for 700 dollars theer you get a much better deal. Trust me.
I'll be back there soon. And happy about it. Besos.