Where To Buy Kale??

Excellent discussion. I am local and yet I also wish to get a hold of Kale. Part of the issue, if I understood what I have been reading, is that Kale is normally grown in parts of Germany and the North West of the USA. However, you can grow in your own home. Strange... As far as the Sodium in Acelga, it is of no consequence. We are all made up of Sodium anyway. However, it is definitely something that should be brought to this country, for all of us Vegans.
Kale in spanish is Berza, Col verde, o col crespa. A Cousin of broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels Sprouts

Le llaman kale en inglés y “col verde”, “col crespa” o “berza” en español. Es prima hermana del brócoli, la coliflor y de las coles de Bruselas. Esta hortaliza vino a desbancar a la espinaca, con todo y Popeye, y se está convirtiendo en la reina de los productos verdes.Oct 21, 2013
I've seen it in the verduleria inside the Galpón Mercado Organico in Chacarita. You can google it, its on the google map. Its very easy to grow as well...
During winter 2015, I bought kale on the weekend Buenos Aires Market at the Tallo Verde stand. This winter Tallo Verde doesn't have kale.

I understand that JUMBO grocery in Palermo and EL GALPON organic market in Chacarita carry kale. I've yet to visit either place, but I'm seriously considering it.

My only source this winter is THE GROCERY, Salguero 2660 (where they keep it hidden in the back). I bought three bunches of 12 tiny leaves each for 60 pesos. The quality isn't close to what I got last year from Tallo Verde for organic at the same price.

It may be that the demand is larger than the supply this year.
Kale is really easy to grow if you can find the seeds. We are growing kale in our back yard right now. Two different types in fact. We have more than we know what to do with. I eat so much friggin' kale I think I'm going to become one. Too bad you guys didn't live in Rosario, I'd hook you up big time. We bought some kale seeds from a child selling them in El Bolson last year. A friend of mine was growing kale in Luján so the seeds are out there.

What do you guys call kale in here? I tell people "col rizada". But nobody recognizes that.
you might find it at the feria at the facultad de agronomia-

or possibly mercado bonpland, in palermo hollywood

also, Buenos Aires Market
Hi all,

I've found kale a few months ago in a small "verduleria" in calle Salguero and Servigni.

