What is the tow truck affair?
- Alberto: good initial pandemic management, but inept since then, ever-ready to put his foot in it.
- Bullrich: nasty, vicious, ready to turn on anyone.
- Cristina: corrupt, persecution complex.
- Larreta: spectacularly corrupt, as the tow-truck affair and the Favaloro / PAMI case demonstrate conclusively. Weasel. Poor administrator. Skirt-chaser.
- Macri: corrupt, irresponsible, lazy, incompetent. Was part-time president (until 9pm, Netflix from there).
- Millei: nasty, vicious, totally nuts, as corrupt as any of the others (see recent reports about offering jobs in exchange for money and sex).
- Vidal: also evidently corrupt, as the purchase and renovation of property without demonstrable income demonstrate. Also involved in the Favaloro / PAMI affair.
For me that leave Berni (possibly also corrupt, though) and Massa, who's having a good economic crisis, some way from succeeding but he's giving it a try. There's not a lot out there,,,
Oppressed?This country needs to adopt the Chinese community party model. Look where China is today
Reputation is a spectacularly corrupt governor and a very highly paid Gnocchi since then who has been strategically placed “out of sight, out of mind”… probably an attempt “clean” his image with collective amnesia.What’s the low down on Scioli?
I like the cut of his jib, would have my vote if I could.Oppressed?
Reputation is a spectacularly corrupt governor and a very highly paid Gnocchi since then who has been strategically placed “out of sight, out of mind”… probably an attempt “clean” his image with collective amnesia.
Un fiscal pidió que Daniel Scioli enfrente un juicio oral por supuestos actos de corrupción
Álvaro Garganta solicitó la elevación de la causa contra el actual embajador ante Brasil por hechos de cuando era gobernador; una petición similar fue declarada nula en julio pasadowww.lanacion.com.ar
¿Hubo corrupción en el gobierno de Daniel Scioli? Esta es la posición del diputado - CNN Video
El diputado de Unidad Ciudadana, Daniel Scioli, habló de su gestión como gobernador, de su procesamiento por el supuesto desvío de 117 millones de pesos en la construcción de los UPA y a los 78 vuelos en helicóptero de un proveedor del Estado.edition.cnn.com
first time in my life I've heard this takeThis country needs to adopt the Chinese community party model. Look where China is today
You meant Communist ?This country needs to adopt the Chinese community party model. Look where China is today
See episode 4 of Relatos salvajes (2014), though not necessarily connected to Larreta.The CABA Tow Truck service was awarded, since 2001, without contract to 2 companies that pay $55,000 pesos a month...!
La Ciudad lanzó un llamado a licitación por el sistema de acarreo de vehículos mal estacionados
El nuevo sistema de acarreo estará vigente en todo el territorio porteño, a diferencia del actual, que opera a través de dos empresas en el micro y macrocentro y algunos barrios. Las empresas prestan servicios a través de prórrogas de contratos, que se encuentran vencidos y que nunca pudieron...www.perfil.com