Why Argentine Women are so Angry!

I do not find Argentina do be a sexist country. In many ways the women have the upper hand.

I do find an awful lot of anger though! But, it is not specific to women. It applies to men equally as well. The demographics of Argentina are changing rapidly. The lifestyle once considered to be European began 80-100 years ago. The last wave of European immigrants arrived probably in the 1950's. In the last 20 years the majority of immigrants have come from Boliva, Peru and Paraguay. So, why is this important? Because the demographics of Argentina are changing. So are the customs and culture. My guess is that in 30 years the only remnants of Europe in Buenos Aires will be the French style buildings that still remain and they are being demolished too.

I find the anger in Argentina has alot to do with greed. Trying to maintain that image that is unaffordable. Inflation is out of control. That leads to resentment towards people who can afford to maintain the image. The resentment leads to an incredible envy that is almost toxic. That envy leads to a ridiculous amount of frivilous lawsuits that have no basis except the hope to take what is not theirs without any respect or regard to the person they might be hurting. Argentineans should win an academy award for creating chaos but that is for another thread.

Argentina has seen a boom in tourism over recent years. But, the reality is far away from the glamour and hype of travel magazines. Most of us find out (probably after it is too late) that Buenos Aires is not the "Paris of the Americas", it is not the land of smiling faces and malbec. It is the land of kiss you on the cheek while having the hand in your pocket at the same time.

So, why are Argentineans so angry? Well, I think that greed, envy and resentment is a potent cocktail. It enters one's social life, business life, and family life. There is no part of living that is not affected. Which is why supposedly there are more psycho analysists in Buenos Aires than anywhere else in the world. If everyone is so happy then why is there so much analysis? Envy, pushiness, insecurity, and total disrepect are at the roots of why Argentineans are so angry. Not sexism!!

Why are foreigners (after they have lived in Argentina for at least 6 months) so on guard? I used to believe all of those travel articles. Not anymore.
delfo said:
probably because they live in a machist society?

I do not believe for a moment that Buenos Aires is a sexist city and in my dealings in business here woman are highly respected and treated better than most western countries I have visited. Saying this Buenos Aires is a highly sexualised city where comments on appearance and sexuality are common . I can understand that people who have grown up in USA, Australia and Europe might find this uncomfortable but in Buenos Aires it it common to comment on appearances in a way unheard of in the west.

This is a post from Filming in Argentina that sums up the situation well

It´s not as sexist as you think

23 10 2008
One of the most pervasive stereotypes about Argentina is that it is a very “machista” or sexist culture. I think a more appropriate adjective would be “sexualized” culture. There is no puritan guilt attatched to thinking about sex, talking about sex, or even having sex! Women are expected to dress sexy and men are expected to make comments on said women´s bodies. But, does this put women at a disadvantage in the business world?
I don´t think so.
In film and tv, it is common to see female set electricians doing all the heavy lifting and wiring that their male counterparts do (and I´ve been told that they even get work more easily than some men, because “it´s cool” to have a female electrician). Almost half of all film and tv jobs are filled by women, and I´ve never come across problems when I had to give orders to male crew members as a director.
At a TV production company where I worked as a screenwriter, the ex-owner/founder famously remarked that he prefers to work only with men, because he finds women to be “hysterical”. One of my bosses sometimes made comments that would get a man sued in the USA. But the actual work environment was quite friendly, half of my co-workers were women and at least 40% of all executives were women.
Appearances can be deceiving!
"I am talking about beautiful, smart, very likeable women!!"

Well, this type of female population is not subject to age restriction.
Histerica.... Complicada.... I hear these stories describing the hysteria of women here and I think, considering the circumstances of the story how many women WOULDN'T act like that? And can often think of corresponding stories of friends or university acquaintances that have similar stories of "histeria." It just seems like everything is so situational, and people focus on the bad or sensational stories of woman that go on here.

I've been living here for one year, and for 8 months I've been in a relationship with and "good" Argentinian guy (I put the word in quotations not because he is a good guy for Argentinians but because he is a "good" guy no matter what part of the world you are in-- responsible, mannerly, faithful, encouraging, respectful, etc. etc. etc.-- exactly what mom wants you to bring home). We have lots of female friends from Argentina and the rest of the world. Through my boyfriend I have met Argentinian women all over the class-scale, from his humble parientes in the outskirts of Cordoba to the cheta girlfriends and sisters of his friends with whom he plays polo with, to the middle class girlfriends of his friends from colegio. The most hysterical women I know are--in order of histeria-- a French, a Belgian, an English (it's possible that the Belgian is just plain crazy, actually, so not sure if she should be in the list).

My point is that all women can posses qualities of histeria, regardless of country of origin. I don't say this because I'm saying "women are hysterical world-round," because men have a bit of histeria in them as well sometimes. Maybe the thing about Argentinian "histeria" is just that they are passionate and expressive people at the base of it all, which makes it much easier to see the hysteria. In Americans perhaps the problem is that the hysteria stews and brews and evolves into a huge breakdown.

Either way, I think a huge problem here is the representative sample that is being taken. We're all tourists here looking at how Argentinians react to serving us. Argentinians are very proud people, and now they have their weak peso rubbed in their face every day with all the Europeans and Americans coming down here take advantage of a cheap vacation. Also, I see a lot of foreigners getting angry when speaking with Argentinian salespeople, but if you take a look at the situation the foreigners are often quite patronizing and disrespectful without even realizing it. Please be careful about this, I get so embarrassed when I am with friends and this happens!!

Just treat others as we'd like to be treated and they are all actually quite sweet and welcoming. But the point is, I quite like Argentinian women.
Hola, I´m an argentine woman.
I´m not absolutely agree,
my picture 6 years ago.
Slim but not angry, absolutely happy.

My picture now, not slim (extra pounds for hormonal problems) and not angry at all, absolutely happy with my round hips, happiness is not about the weight (I think).

I know we (women) are not easy sometimes, but men either, maybe we have bad fame only and I think we have a lot of patience with men too.
Just treat others as we'd like to be treated. These women behind the counter shold read that before they go to work then!
yea, i don't agree with the idea that argentine women are angry. having that idea in your mind is only going to make it harder for you to meet people. almost all of the argentine women (and men too) i've met have been very friendly and nice.
The only women that I know who post pictures like that on a forum are ladies who are looking for a guy to get them out of here!!! Good luck to you!