Why Does Everyone Here Seem To Hate Buenos Aires So Much?

Shit IS happening.
You'll find it reported and discussed here as you will, if you care to listen, on every conversation going on in this country.
Unless you live in complete denial, this is what it is and it's normally not taken out of proportions.

It might sound strange when read in another language since everywhere people are used to foreigners being tourists and just having a good time and not bothering to scratch the surface of the reality of the place where they happen to be. Too much absorbed by enjoying the colorful background, cultural differences, spending their savings just for a few days without concerns and on a break from their own SSDD routines at home.

But those who stop to smell the roses might also get a powerful whiff of the stink.

Some people on this board are very sharp, some others have no clue and make it here by accident and normally don't stay long.
As a rule, the regulars are quite outspoken but have an excellent grasp on reality.
If you try to read comments on other blogs you are very likely to get a strong headache after a few lines. Stupidity seems to be the rule, clueslessness and ignorance running close seconds.

When it comes to being rude or not, fact is we are not polite. We aren't. Other cultures have different practices when it comes to personal space and are likely to become quite uncomfortable with us crawling all over each other (and them) like roaches. Japanese and similar cultures restricted to limited/confined spaces have made of etiquette and politeness an art form, we are at the opposite end of the spectrum and going from bad to worse.

Education leaves a lot to be desired. And I do not mean exclusively formal education, I mean particularly family/social education.
Finally, bitching is a national sport, way more popular than futbol. Gringos bitching here just shows how well adjusted they are.
If this city is SO horrible and terrible and people are so incredibly mean and rude, SO MUCH that you cant even enjoy the out of the world delicious ice creams that are made in the millon ice cream places all over the city, cause you hate everything else SO MUCH, why dont you [leave]? :confused:
I get it, i get it, you are gonna bash me no end now. ...

*clap* *clap* *clap*
Nice post. How did you know they were going to bash you? You have precognition!!

I for one entered the country in the mindset of a guest visiting a new friend's house. And as such, I felt, and still feel that I have been treated very warmly as a guest, and also with open arms now that I am a resident.

It seems that is not the common mindset however. To carry the analogy further, it's as if they think it's ok accept a dinner invitation, walk into the house with no gift, toss some money on the table instead, complain that the maid is not doing their job adequately and they expected something different for dinner, comment that the curtains do not match the sofa, talk about themselves all night long without the host getting a word in edgewise, then leave in a huff because they had such a boring time.

I do agree that venting is an important function of the forum, but I really don't get why every positive comment or opinion has to be under constant attack.
Possibly the negativity could be because there is a big gap between expectation and reality.

What I read about BA before coming here doesn't match up to reality.
If you read TimeOut, it suggests you take a bike tour round the "bohemian" southern barrios in BA! OMFG!

A lot of the foreigners do leave because they don't like it here.
Chica to give you a little perspective, I had a group of South American friends when I lived in the U.S. They always complained about how fat and ignorant Americans were, and all I could say was, "Well yes, that is quite true."

I saw it through their eyes -- an average American (such as a local business owner, in one case) would ask one where they were from and the reply was, "Buenos Aires." "Where that?" the American would ask. "Argentina." "Where's that?" came the astounding reply from the Yank... "In Brazil?"

They are many things I enjoy and I have some terrific friends here, but my main gripe after living here a quarter of my life is the level of personal dishonesty. Sometimes I purchase something, get told an inflated price, then send a friend in after me to see what price they are given and bust the seller. Usually if I suspect I was overcharged, it turns out to be true. Yesterday I paid 40 a kilo for something that my Argie friend was given a price of 29/kilo for. I don't want to be a complainer but when it happens on a daily basis, it gets to you. Local friends say it happens to them too. It doesn't come naturally to distrust everyone for me, but that has been one part of my assimilation.

Sometimes it's just frustrating to see a country with so much potential flounder, kind of like the bright schoolkid who doesn't apply themselves but instead gets into mischief.
Everyone gets fed up with wherever they are living at some point.Here in this forum it can never be good where you are but only in other places where one has been a tourist only.Yes, in Colonia brakes screech when you put a foot into the road.Try it in Montevideo and you get the same vocabulary enhancing experience as in Buenos Aires. Have you read any Uruguay expat blogs? Surprise yourself.Chilenos tell me that they would never never walk the streets of Santiago at night.Expats also tend to idealise their country of origin."I phone stolen in Buenos Aires !!!You just cannot get your I phone out in public....where I come from ...." Time stands still in your country of origin .Imagine the cousin you have not seen since he got married and had two kids five years ago.Your picture of him as a single student does not update unless you spend some time living near him again.I also invite you to check the smartphone theft statistics for London for example.You will be very surprised. Does BA have its bad points ? Oh yeah,but why dwell on them.It is a recipe for permanent bitterness.
First i wanna introduce myself, my name is Luciana ...
Once upon a time (long before the internet era) a group of school children wrote a letter to a local newspaper to tell them how lonely they are. The whole class, 25 people, felt really lonely. Can you imagine?

When people join to tell what they don't like about this forum, It reminds me of this story. You are in. If you want to see more positive things, write something positive. If you are afraid that people will not be so supportive and it keeps you from writing, that means your beliefs are not strong enough. Or that you don't really bother.
I think the reason you find so much negativity on this forum is because people use it as a place to vent (I know I do). I have a couple of expat friends but most are locals and I feel much more comfortable venting to expats than locals.

I think expats and locals are much more negative recently. Things seem to be getting worse and the future (under this government) looks bleak.

I must say, I came here as a tourist a few times and absolutely loved this city. But, living here is entirely different!! Luckily, I have become accustomed to the negatives and they dont get me down so much anymore, but I still like to use this web site to vent B) to vent!
I love a lot of things about BA: my girlfriend and friends, the wine & meat, accessibility of everything, ice cream, the weather, the culture n free entertainment, improving my spanish, working which is much more relaxed here and more enjoyable.

But, I certainly thank my lucky stars I have an out, I think that keeps me from going insane :D
I'll just go on record as stating that the "love it or leave it" response is not generally considered to be a very enlightened position.
OTOH some people prefer simplistic viewpoints.

Pero, bueno -- así es la vida.
Negative sentiment is a lot easier for people to vent anonymously. Especially for those who feel trapped and misread the brochure.

Me, I am happy in BA for my own personal reasons, I find the forum useful for gathering real information (where is, how can I etc...) but there are people who find comfort in venting their spleen online. There are some people here with valuable experience, there are others who need the outlet to stop themselves having a coronary/lapsing into depression!

A restaurant close to my house was robbed at gun point on Sat night, i don't need to open a thread or make a comment about security...I am more likely to open a thread asking somewhere where a restaurant is or recommending another, only because that information is more useful to me than a strangers ranting about national stereotypes.
Possibly the negativity could be because there is a big gap between expectation and reality.

What I read about BA before coming here doesn't match up to reality.
If you read TimeOut, it suggests you take a bike tour round the "bohemian" southern barrios in BA! OMFG!

A lot of the foreigners do leave because they don't like it here.

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]"If you read TimeOut, it suggests you take a bike tour round the "bohemian" southern barrios in BA! OMFG!"[/background]

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA![/background]