Yeah - I think you're right Garry - he really does seem genuine and genuinely P...d off that is lady is such an idiot - he has made it very clear he is going to do his best to make it as easy as possible for us and like I said I suspect he has an apartment in the building that she probably doesn't know about (maybe in the name of one of his partners or the company or whatever) and if its just a matter of doing a few dozen trips in the elevator with the basics and if there is a phone line and wifi in that apartment as well - well, compared to all the other options this is still the best one I think
Sorry to all if I am looking like a bit of a drama queen but this is NOT a good time of the year to be looking at getting kicked out of your apartment and I guess I went straight into knee jerk reaction mode and was ready to go on the warpath - I work long hours online and on the phone and now with my online trading and the rest of it and I just DON'T need (and can't handle) the disruption...