You Know You're In Argentina When.....

Do you know a place, where people do not eat pizza with knife and fork? Please advise so I can stay away from Barbaristan.

Tenes razon .. especially when u r groomed & dressed in proper attire (spiffy 3 piece suit) ... oversight on my part
You see, this is what happens when you get a boarding school education.
If you were caught even thinking about eating something with your fingers, you'd be flogged to within inches of your life.
You see, this is what happens when you get a boarding school education.
If you were caught even thinking about eating something with your fingers, you'd be flogged to within inches of your life.

Never mind a knife and fork, my OH won't let me eat without an arrangement of napkins being present. I'm never sure whether to blow my nose, use them to wipe the fork clean or throw them at the dog. It's an obsession, I would like to apologise to all the trees that have been chopped up to feed her addiction to all things napkin related.
Never mind a knife and fork, my OH won't let me eat without an arrangement of napkins being present. I'm never sure whether to blow my nose, use them to wipe the fork clean or throw them at the dog. It's an obsession, I would like to apologise to all the trees that have been chopped up to feed her addiction to all things napkin related.
Swedish MIL has instilled similar obsessions in me...use fabric napkins and personalised napkin rings. Wash twice trees weeping..etiquette maintained!
* When people do not notice a paper falls out of their hand on the street and if you pick it up and tell them they lost something, they do not notice you.
* When a zebra crossing means give way to cars
* When blinking all turn signals means parking
* When a car horn means the car in front is too slow
* When people do not understand why they are disliked by people from neighbouring countries, since they are not as bad as the people in the neighbouring countries.
* When people think relationships require no commitment
* When it is always someone else's fault
* When people talk instead of listening
* When people think you are educated if you do not talk
* When "negro" means someone from a villa.
* When friends are boludos
* When parents are viejos
Swedish MIL has instilled similar obsessions in me...use fabric napkins and personalised napkin rings. Wash twice trees weeping..etiquette maintained!

I'm afraid that would not involve weekly trips to Morph which herself is altogether too fond of.