Recent content by cafeamericano

  1. C


    You are from Argentina so I feel dumb giving you advice on Argentina, but…don’t pay rent up front for a year. That is basically giving your landlord permission to never fix anything. But you probably know better than me. Just my opinion.
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    Western Union money transfer

    Has anyone done WU transfer to Uruguay recently and picked up cash dollars? It looks like the max is $5K. Anyone done larger amounts and been successful?
  3. C

    Smoked Sausage?

    This place has Kielbasa (Corte Charcuteria)
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    2000 USD per family member for residency application?

    never used him but did consider it and called their office. They were honest and said my wife’s case was so straightforward that we could do it ourselves. They were happy to work with us if we wanted but suggested our case was easy enough to do on our own. We ended up changing life plans and not...
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    Opening a bank account in the US without a residential address within the United States

    If you have any investments that you could move to a Charles Schwab brokerage account, then you can also open a joint “investor checking” account. Schwab is known for being more friendly/accommodating to expats (especially if you tell them it’s a temporary move abroad for work). No guarantee...
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    Obra Social - Preexisting Conditions

    Thank you! Yea I think she is likely to go with the public hospitals. I wanted to see what costs could potentially look like if she couldn’t get treatment in the public hospitals (because I’d likely have to assist with the cost for private treatment), but it sounds like the public hospitals are...
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    Help with Western Union app

    Quilombo is correct. If you have your phone set as Argentina for the region/country you may have to change that temporarily in order to download the US app. Apple let’s you change back and forth. I think Android you can only change once every 6-12 months. So if you have Android and you switch to...
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    Obra Social - Preexisting Conditions

    This is great info. Thank you! And thank you to Nikad as well! It sounds like we should prepare for her to be in the public healthcare system for some time as we work through things. What is the amparo you mention that will speed up attention in the public hospital? Is it something she would...
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    Obra Social - Preexisting Conditions

    Hello everyone. I am interested in any insight people have into how much the obras sociales charge for preexisting conditions. I have a family friend that has leukemia that is considering coming from Venezuela and trying to figure out if it’s viable to sign up for an obra social. From my...
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    Has Anyone ever seen real, crumbling greek feta here?

    It comes in imported every few months. Then it stays in stock for a couple months. Right now we are in a dry spell unfortunately. I’d expect it to be a couple months more until a new shipment comes in. The only domestic brand worth trying is Juan grande, if you need a fix in the meantime.
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    Moving to Argentina with myeloma cancer

    My experience with hospital italiano has always been positive, including with specialists (not cancer specialists) I have had to see. A bit stressful checking in for an appointment sometimes as it is a big place with a lot of people, but wait times have always been reasonable and I’ve been happy...
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    How long is it taking to renew precaria right now?

    If anyone needs assistance with their residency process, I know a “gestora” (someone who can assist with the process) that is awesome. I originally met her as the company I worked at hired her to manage my residency process (which I had to renew annually), but I have since used her for a...
  13. C

    Recent experience with Aerobox?

    You pay new balance directly as if you were living in the US and getting it sent to your home. First you need to register on Aerobox and they will give you and address (in Miami) to put as the shipping address. Once New Balance ships the order and sends you a tracking number, then you need to do...
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    Is travel health insurance still required while in Arg?

    It looks like it’s still a requirement to have COVID-19 health insurance that covers hospitalization, quarantine, and/or medical transportation. That is on the official government page where I always check before traveling. I don’t know to what extent they actually review the details of the...
  15. C

    What advice do I need before using Mercado Libre?

    Yea you will have to open a local Mercadolibre account. Once you do that ML will only show you Arg products/sellers. There are sellers on ML who import goods and then resell, but the whole tax/customs process is done on their end when they import it. Once they go to resell in ML it is treated...