Another Lanata Party Tonight!

Ed you make a fair point and a few of my local hold that view that the truth perhaps lies (no pin intended) in the middle. But with regards to this story I definitely have faith in it. It's obvious the president and her family acquired their millions from corruption, and this piece by Lanata is certainly much more plausible from the source being her history as an "abogada exitosa".
Lanata is only investigating one part of the three main corruption fronts involving the Kirchners. To charge that Lanata just works for a Clarin paycheck is an oversimplification & a cultural misunderstanding of what it takes to raise an issue in a culture already over saturated with corruption scandals...firstly you have to have a powerful media group with a massive audience, this in itself is a challenge for most investigative journalists in this country. Lanata founded the left leaning Pagina 12 & has worked on all sides of the political media spectrum.

Lilita Carrio has been investigating what Lanata has exposed since I think 2004, she just doesn't have camera crew & a production team....To truly understand Lanata you have be competent in Spanish, I think a great number of armchair commentators easily dismiss Lanata as if we had to be comparing his journalism credentials to that of the BBCs'. This is Argentina, it takes serious courage to go up against a powerful criminal enterprise such as El Kirchnerismo when witnesses disappear or backtrack on their statements. Lanata has his own style, and many here misunderstand & confuse the fact that he's forced into using a more sensationalist style of journalism/language in order to communicate the message to a culture already very 'ADHD' & overstimulated... Lanata's not perfect, far from it, but he's got a long history of unearthing corruption scandals that end up in arrests in this country.

And for some here to claim that we are just watching a war between two mafias (Clarin & the Kirchners) is to try to steer us away from the main point of the story, corruption of staggering proportions. Thousands of millions of dollars of public funds systematically STOLEN by the KIRCHNER FAMILY. A journalist's job is to publicize an issue so as to stimulate public debate & awareness ONLY. It's up to the public to react in order to produce the political impulse that will end in an official investigation.

Stop shooting the messenger, where there's smoke there's fire...follow the $$$ trail & THEN DRAW your own conclusions...hopefully an impartial court can then take care of the details. It would seem to me that some commentators here, would breathe sigh of great relief if this story where to just go away & disappear.
Unfortunately with the judiciary changes that are going to be voted through (most likely) the Ks will solidify their power in the courts and be even more certain that loyal pro-k judges will be assigned to any corruption cases that may actually appear. And while AFIP has said they will be investigating Baez, the person overseeing the situation? Maximo Kirchners sister-in-law.
If it wasn't for journalistic exposes there would have been no Watergate, no Strauss-Kahn, no Governor of Philly Affair, etc. and in Argentina some major scandals like Jaime, ValijaGate, Michelli Bag, no Schoklender Sueños Postergados!!

For Strauss-Kahn, while the guy is indeed sick-minded & really has an issue with women (and just for that deserves what he got), the Sofitel scandal occured just a few months before the presidential elections he would have most likely won. Anyway, that's another debate.

Here goes the first polical video clip of Strauss-Kahn in the 1980s. The soundtrack is original (Pink Panther)!
Quite apart from the current scandal, why hasn't there been more investigation of the unlawful, self-dealing, land deals engaged in by the Ks when he was governor of Santa Cruz? I have always wondered why that issue has not been more heavily explored.
We used to watch Lanata religiously last year until I simply got tired of the whole programme.
I only tuned in last night as my other half wanted to see what 'startling revelations' he had up his sleeve.
As the show went on I heard muffled gasps from her sitting next to me.
At one point she said 'this is serious' in that way that only an Argentine can say it.
Yes, it's serious, of course it's serious. And so is paying the bills at the end of the month.
However, I felt that a dead man was being put on trial here. It all seemed kind of mawkish to me.
There was even the suggestion from my other half that maybe all that unwashed dosh was hidden away in Nestor's mausoleum.
Adds to the drama doesn't it?
The Lazaro character (Lazarus......plenty of joke material there!) is entirely predictable and none of it surprised me one iota, which is a tad worrying in itself.
Of course, I know what Lanata's agenda is. He won't quit until he's parked that dumper truck outside the Casa Rosada and tipped the whole load of steaming manure outside the front door.
As for the PPT finger logo.......................please! I was hoping to have seen that last of that from a serious journalist.
Maybe I'm missing something here, or I've had a sense of humour bypass, but I think I may go cold turkey for a while.
I mean, a protest last Thursday where we were being watched by the gimlet eyes of special forces and who knows what else and then the bearded one last night.
It's more than my drama meter will take for now.
Gringoboy, apart from that the horrendous sketches made it a pretty insufferable 2 hours. 5 mins worth of material spread thin over two hours of lowbrow guff.

I think I got nostalgic for Rte (irish national broadcaster!) at one stage, and that ain't good! I think he could have unveiled the secret of everlasting youth and I wouldnt have noticed in between all the cringe-worthiness.