Anyone Going To The World Cup?

What? Betrayal of the Malvinas (sic)?

Who did they except Chileans to support after decades of Argentine bullying? I mean, don't get me wrong, I like Argentina and most Argentines but sometimes they need some perspective.

About Maradona's goal in 86, I've never met an Argentine who's willing to admit it was an illegal goal. I mean... hand of God?? Are you serious? Lack of perspective, again.

The guy's a total boludo (in the most negative sense of the word), but at least he acknowledged he did something illegal (even if he didn't say it in those words).
OK then let's look at a concrete example. The other day, we had that thread on Eduardo Galeano and his supposed recantation (too smashed to look up the link right now). I complained that all of the sources quoting him were secondary sources (all referring to the same NYT article), and there was no direct evidence of what he actually said to see if it jived with what the articles were claiming. Rich One in turn accused me of being a Camporista for imputing the source.

In this case, are you saying I was making a straw man argument? If so, I would have to say what you define as straw men arguments are not only valid, but they are about as good of an argument as one can get-- rightfully attacking an opponent's fallacious sources.

Good point, but it depends on your opinion of what is 'fallacious' and what is 'rightful'. Remember when I objected to someone citing a story in the NYT, and said the NYT was a mouthpiece for Zionist propaganda? Remember the doodoo-storm that descended on my head for that comment? Attacking, (to use your own word), an opponent's sources can provoke controversy, to put it mildly.
About Maradona's goal in 86, I've never met an Argentine who's willing to admit it was an illegal goal. I mean... hand of God?? Are you serious? Lack of perspective, again.
(above quote edited for brevity)

"All things are accomplished according to the will of God"

(cough cough)
Robo Cops or Darth Vaders?


It's all about style, nothing more, nothing less:
The LATAM countries can only hope to be as successful as East Germany in stamping out communism. Lula's stormtroopers should help though.
Who they were proud of was defined by Moscow. Surely no social democratic government qualified as "communist" friends back then.

Dilma & CIA were directly financed and armed by Moscow back then to carry out a Communist revolution in Brazil. And it is very "socially democratic" of them to be building a praetorian guard and to pass a law that labels any protester as a terrorist.