Anyone Going To The World Cup?

Neither Lula nor Dilma are really left wing though. They are social democrats / center left at best.

Yeah right, Dilma was a social democrat with an assault rifle back on her days of the being guerrilla fighter for the Marxist-Lenininst revolutionary group ALN.
Yeah right, Dilma was a social democrat with an assault rifle back on her days of the being guerrilla fighter for the Marxist-Lenininst revolutionary group ALN.

Dilma is the Brazilian Jane Fonda.... jajjajajaja She may find a Media Moghul. She is a Renovated Socialist, Like good old Pepe Mujica, who claims the armed guerrila wafare was a"mistake".... :eek:
Oh I am not questioning that she had a history with more extreme political views. But today both are center left at best.

They are "center left" because they lack (for now) the political power for more extreme measures. But they have been working very hard on that, including passing a law that classify protesters as terrorists. And trying to pass laws that give journalists unions (which they control) the power to monitor and censor the press.
I am just waiting for a wrong spark to ignite the already trigger itching police force of Brazil against the agitating and chanting crazy crowds.Hoping no tumultuous incident arising to impede the openings of Coppa Mondial . If Brazil can pull it through, then the whole world will be much at ease then going to their next Olympic games..But thinking of it, what a feat for Brazil to have captured both games.! Brazil is in the move, in the next 30 years, they will be at the forefront moving the world economy along the PRC so watch that Tarzan country on the move!
Too much sake indeed.

Oh come on, camberiu-san, be more patriotic, if you're really a Brazilian ? We the G8 nations thinking afraid of, least 3 emerging world economy shakers, perhaps throwing India into it too. In the next few years, Brazil will be rubbing shoulders with
the G8 +..You guys already having aviation, transportation,mining,energy,sectors covered and the vast land of yours producing so much crops to feed world hungry mouthe...
Oh come on, camberiu-san, be more patriotic, if you're really a Brazilian ?

I am a realist. We lack education, a sense of community, corruption is endemic and we crave for a dictator/father figure to guide the country and solve all of our problems.
My wife is Japanese, has been to Brazil quite a feel times and agrees with me: That country is completely f#cked.
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]My wife is Japanese, has been to Brazil quite a feel times and agrees with me: That country is completely f#cked. [/background]

貴方の妻は、本当に日本人ですか?Not a Sansei per-se, but original Nipponese woman?