Anyone have Fibertel Wideband?

i have telecentro 5mb and get 5mb down 0.52mb up.

we pay 210 pesos ish for basic cable, internet and telephone.

We've been waiting 4 months now for their hd dvr setup though.

I think the problem with youtube and the like is the bandwidth between arg/brazil and the rest of the world. It seems fine during the day but in the evening, bam buffer buffer buffer.

It'll be interesting to find out if the 30mb connections are getting the same.
So not worth it then? That tale of torrenting whilst streaming and having other devices connected isn't quite correct?

Again, if I may ask; how much is it and what channels come with it?
katti said:
yep, 30mb, buffer buffer buffer...

so either fibertel need to upgrade the internal network in fibertel or Argentina needs to drop a few more lines from here to brazil and for brazil to do the same to the states.
scotttswan said:
so either fibertel need to upgrade the internal network in fibertel or Argentina needs to drop a few more lines from here to brazil and for brazil to do the same to the states.

I am afraid it's me, my speedtest at one side of the house is good, at the other side it's not. Must get someone to look at that.