Ar Peso Is The Worst Investment (Currency) In 2014, Surprise

So about "Peronism". I agree that there is not a single definition of what such a goofy string of policies looks like. That's part of the problem. Everyone who calls themselves a Peronist is somehow trying to tap into a legend that has no real basis and put out their own kind of tyrannical control over the country in its name.

That is the definition of Peronism. Say and promise everything to everyone. Cult of personality: zero institutions of any kind - political, civic, whathaveyou - outside of said cult. Zero firm policy positions other than populism. Say and do whatever needs to be said and done to maintain the power base.

Peron himself led the way: he managed to have left-wing Peronists, right-wing Peronists, both filled to the gills with promises - if only they get him to return from exile. And the man felt no need to introduce clarity into, you know, his own positions - right up until one side literally opened fire on the other.
And as an addendum:

Because inevitably at some point the farce no longer works, do everything possible both while in power and once out, to make the next guy the fall guy, so that you or at least your buddies can be back with as little interruption as possible.

This includes policies - as an example, setting up the next government to be the one that will have to make a deal with (and pay) the holdouts, having first convinced a large part of the voting public that doing so is evil and real governments will stand strong - as well as brutish stuff like stacking the government on all levels with camporistas who will be there to do their thing even once (or especially once) a new govt is in power. Actively promoting instability, saqueos, etc. as a result the evil policies of the new govt. Etc etc.

The crazy, horrible and tragic thing is that they've figured out how to thoroughly coopt and gut democracy (it gets better: remember, they're not above bringing their politics directly into schools, then have the epiphany of lowering the voting age) - and the only way out of this vicious cycle is with a dictatorship that is not above making things ugly before they get better. In Chile's case that worked*, here even that didn't help.

*And before the idiots come: where by 'worked', the intention is simply that post-dictatorship, they have a largely stable economic and political system, not that that justifies whatever human rights abuses took place to get there.
And as an addendum:

Because inevitably at some point the farce no longer works, do everything possible both while in power and once out, to make the next guy the fall guy, so that you or at least your buddies can be back with as little interruption as possible.

This includes policies - as an example, setting up the next government to be the one that will have to make a deal with (and pay) the holdouts, having first convinced a large part of the voting public that doing so is evil and real governments will stand strong - as well as brutish stuff like stacking the government on all levels with camporistas who will be there to do their thing even once (or especially once) a new govt is in power. Actively promoting instability, saqueos, etc. as a result the evil policies of the new govt. Etc etc.

The crazy, horrible and tragic thing is that they've figured out how to thoroughly coopt and gut democracy (it gets better: remember, they're not above bringing their politics directly into schools, then have the epiphany of lowering the voting age) - and the only way out of this vicious cycle is with a dictatorship that is not above making things ugly before they get better. In Chile's case that worked*, here even that didn't help.

*And before the idiots come: where by 'worked', the intention is simply that post-dictatorship, they have a largely stable economic and political system, not that that justifies whatever human rights abuses took place to get there.

Sounds like you are talking about Republicans...
That is the definition of Peronism. Say and promise everything to everyone. Cult of personality: zero institutions of any kind - political, civic, whathaveyou - outside of said cult. Zero firm policy positions other than populism. Say and do whatever needs to be said and done to maintain the power base.

Peron himself led the way: he managed to have left-wing Peronists, right-wing Peronists, both filled to the gills with promises - if only they get him to return from exile. And the man felt no need to introduce clarity into, you know, his own positions - right up until one side literally opened fire on the other.

That pretty much summarizes Peronism, a cult of personality that's everything to everybody, even after its founder can no longer lend a hand - oh, wait!
¿What do you mean by "inclusion"?.¿Can you explain it with certified stats?please
Response to RIES.
First of all, Olivos, San Isidro and Pilar IS NOT all of Argentina.Lately,our society has been ransacked by a band of Caribbean pirates commonly called self-serving-politicians. They receive huge salaries for absolutely no work at all, they sign anything the Executive Power puts them in front of their noses.
And their salaries are equivalent (or higher) than those of US Congressmen.
Otherwise, please explain why the sale of properties (overall) has fallen at the lowest point in the last 40 years.
I am no economist so bear with me. I agree with ries observation that new buildings are going up or are being purchased, renovated, and the units sold. I had several in my neighborhood on my last trip in December. the number of sales would be down as most people hold on to real estate as a save haven against inflation and the security factor. as a tangible asset its not as easy to manipulate. sales of existing apartments slows and the new construction is not enough to offset previous years sales. just a guess.
Didn't South Korea and Germany both receive massive investment from the US, in order to create successful democracies on the peripheries of Soviet spheres of influence. Neither where self contain miracles.

Omitting the military expansion of empires and trade zones in that list is strange, especially given that Ferguson believes that foreign incursions are valid, for moral reasons as I understand it.

Ferguson represents a revisionist view of history and in particular the british Empire and the American "Empíre" which playts well with those on the American right he has previously advised. That's an observation, not a criticism. Interesting character, but certainly not universally accepted.

Of course, "grow up Argentina" completely ignores history it's prescriptive child like simplicity.

I don't even think Ferguson would be on for ignoring history...

Precisely! Thank you for including some historical facts! I was waiting to see i ANYBODY would pick up on that regardless of "ideology".

Germany and Korea are both particularly productive people. Germans are known as the tool-makers for the stuff-makers (China), but it was not always the case. They had to begin by substituting British Imports and they had to pay dearly when they finally surpassed their teachers right before WWI.

And yet the people who work the most hours per week in the World seem to be first the Mexicans (in between siestas probably since many work night shifts too) and the Poles (probably for German capital).

Comparing Korea and Germany during the 20thC to Argentina is a terrible mistake (precisely for being in the periphery of the Soviet Union, etc), but is a mistake first began by the same Argentines in the 1920s (the Germany comparison). After they invited more immigrants than they needed for an agricultural country (a lot more than Australia for instance), progressive ideas such as Democracy and Industrialization by substituting imports gained force. The latter would put Argentina in an awkward position with Britain during the 1933 Commonwealth Negotiations, and the former would eventually (under Peron) cause Argentina to declare "war" against the British and Americans for the first time after almost a century of cooperation (I believe Rosas was the last strong-man to reject the British and the French).

I have this perverse theory that "True" Peronistas (I believe those are the opposite of those that Matias calls true), and by that I mean the coronel himself and his first supporters, have only one thing to say about Argentina's economic situation
"If only the Germans had won...."
That nostalgic lamentation sounds so plausible.

So what are the alternatives? How are Argentina's Southern Cone neighbors doing and why? Should Argentina compare itself only to Chile and Uruguay or should Paraguay and Brazil remind us that Argentina is not the southernmost part of Latin America but an integral of it.
Should Argentina insist on cmparing herself with a Commonwealth country, I should suggest that Cape Town is the Paris of Africa, and that perhaps South Africa in general should be taken into the mix to lower the expectations of becoming an American Australia/NZ. It would also be more truthful a comparison if only when considering that having maids and service and separating society in castes was a very common thing both in Cape Town and Buenos Aires, but no so much in the Australian outback.

These are the other seven countries at the same latitude as Argentina without counting Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland.

-Chile, Uruguay,
-Paraguay Brazil
-Australia and New Zealand:
-South Africa
Response to RIES.
First of all, Olivos, San Isidro and Pilar IS NOT all of Argentina.Lately,our society has been ransacked by a band of Caribbean pirates commonly called self-serving-politicians. They receive huge salaries for absolutely no work at all, they sign anything the Executive Power puts them in front of their noses.
And their salaries are equivalent (or higher) than those of US Congressmen.
Otherwise, please explain why the sale of properties (overall) has fallen at the lowest point in the last 40 years.

Believe me, I cannot explain ANYTHING about the economy of argentina- and, frankly, if somebody tells you they can, I would be suspicious.

but the new buildings are in a lot of barrios, not just the northern suburbs.
Its absolutely true that a lot of the spending is by rich people. Its always that way, everywhere.
And, certainly, there are villas here in the city, and poor people in other parts of the country.

But that doesnt change the fact that all of the spending I was talking about is happening every day.

I was on car trips thru the provincia last year, and the year before- and many of the small towns I went thru also had fancy watch stores, lots of new cars, and I saw nobody sleeping on street corners.

Argentina has lots of problems- but there are more poor people in the USA, and they sleep on the street, get no health care, no education, no 13th month of pay, no sindicatos enforcing work rules, and much more that people here take for granted.

But, no, I cant explain much.