Ar Peso Is The Worst Investment (Currency) In 2014, Surprise

My take on all this which you may or may not agree with. While the there are many takes on things... which are interesting. I think at the end of the day allot of it can be boiled down to genetics and culture. When bad genetic reproduce at a disproportionate rate you get South America as we know it. The United States is just now entering into this phase. The culprit is social plans that tax to good genetics and distribute the wealth to the bad genetics who reproduce without limitation or any intention managing their reproduction.

It is simple math really.....

Good genetics family has 3 children it is all they can afford to manage.

Bad genetics family has 12 children the state pays for it and manages it.

In 2 generations you have 24 bad genetics voters and 6 good genetics voters.

Math never lies and genetics are well in many ways mathematic.

On the other side of this bad genetics start to run the country and consume everything with no ability to produce effectively.

Whalla you get the genetic insanity of Venezuela! Argentina and others.

You have to have a license to drive a car but for some reason we have not yet come to the understanding that perhaps people should have to have a license to reproduce.
Response to RIES.
First of all, Olivos, San Isidro and Pilar IS NOT all of Argentina.Lately,our society has been ransacked by a band of Caribbean pirates commonly called self-serving-politicians. They receive huge salaries for absolutely no work at all, they sign anything the Executive Power puts them in front of their noses.
And their salaries are equivalent (or higher) than those of US Congressmen.
Otherwise, please explain why the sale of properties (overall) has fallen at the lowest point in the last 40 years.

Because now you can buy them only with clean money. There is no more money laundry.
Bummer that we have degraded to the usual level of debating Peronismo. Makes sense though, the less well-defined a term is, the more we seem to like writing life-or-death diatribes in pro or contra (eg: "Capitalism vs Communism!")

That said, the argument in favour of the latest incarnation of the beast is that the Peronists in office did a great job pulling us out of the hole dug by the last Peronists in office. Not much to defend there.

Now I shall cede the floor to Matías who will educate us for the gazilionth time on why only his Peronists are real Peronists.

Here you are in a histrical mistake.
The decline and fall of Argentina is related to the coup against Peron and the following 20/30 years of proscription of Peronism and many coups.

The coup against Peron was called revolucion libertadora and it was commanded by a nazi group but integrated by many different sectors of society whom had nothing in common between them.

The only common was the hate to Peron.
They had no plan...and guess what? They bankrupt the country.

I suggest you read the book "la libertadora".
Here you are in a histrical mistake.
The decline and fall of Argentina is related to the coup against Peron and the following 20/30 years of proscription of Peronism and many coups.

The coup against Peron was called revolucion libertadora and it was commanded by a nazi group but integrated by many different sectors of society whom had nothing in common between them.

The only common was the hate to Peron.
They had no plan...and guess what? They bankrupt the country.

I suggest you read the book "la libertadora".

Peron was the final nail in the coffin of the destruction of your country. His economic policies and ideology have made your country the failure it is today. Which is what opened the door to all those years of instability which continue to this day.

The day you and your people put down the Peron Kool Aid is perhaps the day things start to change. But I don't see Argentina as being smart enough to figure that out.
Here you are in a histrical mistake.
The decline and fall of Argentina is related to the coup against Peron and the following 20/30 years of proscription of Peronism and many coups.

The coup against Peron was called revolucion libertadora and it was commanded by a nazi group but integrated by many different sectors of society whom had nothing in common between them.

The only common was the hate to Peron.
They had no plan...and guess what? They bankrupt the country.

I suggest you read the book "la libertadora".

Maybe Peron was not as bad as the Fuhrer or Pol Pot, but when they were both ousted by either Soviet Russian or Communist Vietnamese forces, both Germany and Cambodia could mourn their half-hated half-worshiped leaders and move on.
Why can't Argentina?
Should the Libertaora have been more successful if they had actually killed Peron? Why didn't they by the way? You seem versed int he subject.
Maybe Peron was not as bad as the Fuhrer or Pol Pot, but when they were both ousted by either Soviet Russian or Communist Vietnamese forces, both Germany and Cambodia could mourn their half-hated half-worshiped leaders and move on.
Why can't Argentina?
Should the Libertaora have been more successful if they had actually killed Peron? Why didn't they by the way? You seem versed int he subject.

Simple: Peron was elected by popular vote, he had a plan and he had success while the revolucion libertadora were a tiny bunch of idiots and incompetents who fail in everything.

Over 20 years of proscription helped him to remain beyond his death.

Peron was elected by over 60% of the votes when he was coup:
Peron was the final nail in the coffin of the destruction of your country. His economic policies and ideology have made your country the failure it is today. Which is what opened the door to all those years of instability which continue to this day.

The day you and your people put down the Peron Kool Aid is perhaps the day things start to change. But I don't see Argentina as being smart enough to figure that out.

Your nickname doesn't match your asserts based on hate and ignorancy instead of reasons.

Until Peron the National Constitution was enforced with its plan to bring immigration and. Development but since the 60' s the coups replaced the NC for other documents enacter by them: a bunch of idiots.

Those illegals supreme laws enacted by decree had the opposite philosophy: racism, extreme right catholic, no freedom, no due process, etc.
They were reactionary and their plan was to go back to a medieval society super conservative. In this point they had a lot in common with Pol Pot. Immigrants, cientist, universities and profesionals were seen as the enemy.

Plus, they behaved like an occupation army and any country that is in a cold internal war for 30 years destroys its economy.

However, you are confusing Peron with Videla. The second destroyed the industry, the economy, left the country with a debt of 90 billion, was a nazi and made a genocide.

Videla can be compared with Pol Pot, Stalin or an SS low hierarchy NCO (according to his lack if education).
Here you are in a histrical mistake.
The decline and fall of Argentina is related to the coup against Peron and the following 20/30 years of proscription of Peronism and many coups.

The coup against Peron was called revolucion libertadora and it was commanded by a nazi group but integrated by many different sectors of society whom had nothing in common between them.

The only common was the hate to Peron.
They had no plan...and guess what? They bankrupt the country.

I suggest you read the book "la libertadora".
Bullshi[background=rgb(246, 247, 248)]t[/background]
[background=rgb(246, 247, 248)]Peron did [/background][background=rgb(246, 247, 248)]tha[/background][background=rgb(246, 247, 248)]t[/background]
Simple: Peron was elected by popular vote, he had a plan and he had success while the revolucion libertadora were a tiny bunch of idiots and incompetents who fail in everything.

Over 20 years of proscription helped him to remain beyond his death.

Peron was elected by over 60% of the votes when he was coup:
Hi[background=rgb(246, 247, 248)]tler was also elec[/background][background=rgb(246, 247, 248)]ted[/background]