Ar Peso Is The Worst Investment (Currency) In 2014, Surprise

ask lazaro baez

To ask him about what?
To buy real estate was a simple way to money laundry that everybody used because money laundry was as local as asado and mate. We are talking about that NOT about somebody accused of having mules who carried the euros to Caiman Island: real money laundry.
Bullshi[background=rgb(246, 247, 248)]t[/background]
[background=rgb(246, 247, 248)]Peron did [/background][background=rgb(246, 247, 248)]tha[/background][background=rgb(246, 247, 248)]t[/background]

Interesting. Enlight me.
So? Now you defend the coups?
When they are necessary him,the mistake they made was deposing him and letting him live,they should have killed them and be done with it,would have saved us a lot of blood,too.
Simple: Peron was elected by popular vote, he had a plan and he had success while the revolucion libertadora were a tiny bunch of idiots and incompetents who fail in everything.

His plan was to arm Argentina to the teeth with fighter jets, aircraft carriers and whatnot, and conquer the continent. Had he succeed, South America would have lived through a bloodbath that would had made the Paraguayan War seem like a picnic and in the end Argentina would have probably been defeated. I can't believe how many people in Argentina still worship that psychotic maniac.

This is REAL Peronism. Now watch the short video and try to imagine how the neighboring countries must have reacted to this.


His plan was to arm Argentina to the teeth with fighter jets, aircraft carriers and whatnot, and conquer the continent. Had he succeed, South America would have lived through a bloodbath that would had made the Paraguayan War seem like a picnic and in the end Argentina would have probably been defeated. I can't believe how many people in Argentina still worship that psychotic maniac.

This is REAL Peronism. Now watch the short video and try to imagine how the neighboring countries must have reacted to this.


I despise peronism as much as everybody but he had no such plans,mosy of the armament was uk way of paying the debts they had with this country.
To conquer what?a bucn hof balcks and indians?for what we want your people?
To ask him about what?
To buy real estate was a simple way to money laundry that everybody used because money laundry was as local as asado and mate. We are talking about that NOT about somebody accused of having mules who carried the euros to Caiman Island: real money laundry.
You think the only way that lazaro and kris laundered money is with elaskar and fariña?does two are a bunch of perejiles,a bunch of nobodies.
OMG now even among anti-Peronists.
Camberiu shows how Peron was arming the country and asked to imagine what a Brasilian might feel about a bunch of semi-deranged white supremacists (who shelter German Nazis) arming themselves under the leadership of a very popular warlord (or Coronel or whatever).
Ariel then confirms that even anti-Peronists have a 1950s mentality when it comes to different cultures and that is why Peru, Brasil and Chile are doing better than Argentina even though those countries are full of Mapuches Guaranies and even Koyaas whow eat human offal as part of their diet!
He responded almost verbatim (racism included) to how the Peronist government responded back then to the Brazilian diplomatic enquiries about the armament purchases by Argentina.

Would/should the Brazilian government have bought that explanation? Of course not. Just to put the scale of the thing in perspective, in 1947 Peron acquired 100 Gloster Meteors from the UK, the top of the line British jet fighter at the time. During that same period, all air forces in South America, put together, did not field 100 propeller combat aircraft. He then bought 50 long range strategic bombers, another type of aircraft that simply did not exist in the region until then. Then he bough an aircraft carrier, something that would allow him to project force anywhere in South America.

But of course, there was no intention to go to war. Why conquer a bunch of niggers and indians? It is not like someone had ever tried conquering them before, right? Right?