Ar Peso Is The Worst Investment (Currency) In 2014, Surprise

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When the ¨general¨came,the vaults of the central bank were overflowing with gold,when the libertadora deposed him out,they were empty,enough said

Sorry, you are not a Nobel award. Hard data? a link? something? You are not a reliable source of information.
When they are necessary him,the mistake they made was deposing him and letting him live,they should have killed them and be done with it,would have saved us a lot of blood,too.

Enough said. Welcome to ignore list.
Sorry, you are not a Nobel award. Hard data? a link? something? You are not a reliable source of information.

I actually heard (HEARD) many times before that Argentina's vaults were pretty full of gold in 1946 for obvious meat-exporting reasons in addition to sinister conspiracy theories, and then they were almost empty in 1955. In the meantime I understand either or both the biggest buildings of Buenos Aires were constructed, the Ministry of War for sure and perhaps the ALAS? In addition to many hospitals, hotels, and now I see, an Air Force... that surely was a good investment.

I also heard that Argentina's debt was quiet small before the last military coup, but extraordinary after it (also with some buildings and high ways constructed, not to forget the heroic war of insular aggression)

Can you shed some light over both rumors?
He responded almost verbatim (racism included) to how the Peronist government responded back then to the Brazilian diplomatic enquiries about the armament purchases by Argentina.

Would/should the Brazilian government have bought that explanation? Of course not. Just to put the scale of the thing in perspective, in 1947 Peron acquired 100 Gloster Meteors from the UK, the top of the line British jet fighter at the time. During that same period, all air forces in South America, put together, did not field 100 propeller combat aircraft. He then bought 50 long range strategic bombers, another type of aircraft that simply did not exist in the region until then. Then he bough an aircraft carrier, something that would allow him to project force anywhere in South America.

But of course, there was no intention to go to war. Why conquer a bunch of niggers and indians? It is not like someone had ever tried conquering them before, right? Right?

Here is an intellegent critic to Peron.
AR peso and bitcoin are the worst currency/investment in 2014. Neither of them looks bright in 2015 or next few years. In the long run, I would pick AR peso over bitcoin.


Nao Pise em Mim

The smoking snake, the mascot of the Brazilian expeditionary force sent to fight the Nazi army in Europe during World War II.
The joke at the time was that it was more likely to find a snake smoking a pipe than a bunch of niggers and indians from the Brazilian army to be able to defeat nazi soldiers in combat.
So, the army adopted the smoking snake as its mascot. And when in the face of combat, the smoking snakes did defeat its Nazi opponents.
My take on all this which you may or may not agree with. While the there are many takes on things... which are interesting. I think at the end of the day allot of it can be boiled down to genetics and culture. When bad genetic reproduce at a disproportionate rate you get South America as we know it. The United States is just now entering into this phase. The culprit is social plans that tax to good genetics and distribute the wealth to the bad genetics who reproduce without limitation or any intention managing their reproduction.

It is simple math really.....

Good genetics family has 3 children it is all they can afford to manage.

Bad genetics family has 12 children the state pays for it and manages it.

In 2 generations you have 24 bad genetics voters and 6 good genetics voters.

Math never lies and genetics are well in many ways mathematic.

On the other side of this bad genetics start to run the country and consume everything with no ability to produce effectively.

Whalla you get the genetic insanity of Venezuela! Argentina and others.

You have to have a license to drive a car but for some reason we have not yet come to the understanding that perhaps people should have to have a license to reproduce.

So, you're here to advocate eugenics?