Are Argentine Women More Feminine?

The subject is broad since it says "Argentina" women and my world is a bit limited in that I stay pretty much in my own neighborhood and my own city, but I continually notice how beautiful are the women and what a sense of style they have. There are exceptions, of course, but I'd say not many. I sit on my balcony frequently and watch people pass by and I notice the Argentina women--almost all the younger women (younger than 50 perhaps) have beautiful, long hair, almost all are slender, they love scarves and there are lots of high heels, but I also see a lot of long dresses on the street. Absolutely no WalMart types here.

But I will go further, I have never seen any teenager with their pants about to fall off and their undershorts showing. But even the men in my area really look nice. Including workers on the street. And for you gals back in the States reading this because you plan to come, the men here are good looking guys. More than that their mamas and/or their daddies teach them good manners. For example, I was taking photography from a young photographer once and we would walk to Starbucks. If I were on the side toward the street I noticed he would gently take me by the shoulders and move me to the inside. They always stand back and let women go first. There is plenty wrong with Argentina, and things are not perfect here, but there are a lot of things that are admirable. In my opinion, this is one of them.
R I G H T ... O N !!!!
Despite of their modest/tough economics, they spend their last penny on showing how good looking they A L L are (ok .. ok ... 99.9% .. to accommodate for some slop somewhere) !!
There is some uninhibited innocence about them, that makes them more attractive and more feminine.
It is glaring in the face, any one trying to dispute these facts, will be up against a steeeeeeep hill, I'm afraid.

(N.B.: Beer belly sweat pants showing cracks have nothing to do with dressing down).
But I will go further, I have never seen any teenager with their pants about to fall off and their undershorts showing.

I have seen lots 'a panties of all the rainbow colors.
But this is not because their pants are falling off, these are rather very well measured and calculated intentional clever tactics..... It is a design !! .... Nothing haphazard !!
Feminine to me is the way a woman brushes her hair, walks down the street, wears that dress, looks at you that special way.................................
On the whole (this is a generalization), women in Argentina are much more feminine than their North American counterparts. I think this has to do with the large influence of feminism in North America. In Argentina, women celebrate feminine traits (please note that I'm not talking about sexual traits) and are proud of them. It's a matter of pride to step out the door with makeup on and hair groomed, and also a matter of pride to have a nurturing personality and be distinctly feminine. The differences between men and women are natural, celebrated, and expected. However, in North America, all this nonsense is running around about men and women being the same. Feminine characteristics are looked down upon and downplayed as "sexist", while feminine pride (like taking care of your appearance) is sort of frowned upon. I think men and women are definitely equal, but men and women are just not the same. So often, you will see N. American women that even try to be like men in the way they act, dress, or live. Of course, these are broad generalizations, but I believe that in many ways they are true. There is a reason N. American men come here and go crazy over the women. Men are not attracted to a mirror reflection of themselves, but they are attracted to something different.
Thanks everybody for sharing your opinions! We'll read several of this answers today on the air.

We go live at 8, on or via Itunes any other time.

Gracias again!
Nothing's more boring than "fashion" (except, perhaps, "religion").

Come on ajoknob it's not like you to descend into false modesty. I have no doubt you would be right up there among the contenders on that list.