Considering that links are automatically shortened on the forum anyway it doesn't seem to make sense at first glance but if we proceed critically with caution and with empathy all soon becomes clear. Think of his blog as an extension of him, an appendage if you will, of which he has a certain degree of insecurity regarding the extent of its penetration. The tinyurl is just a facilitator, the innocent expat clicks and knows not where it will take him - and it is true not all of them take you unwillingly to his limp, shrivelled blog, he includes enough links to other sites to keep the expat guessing. Even though all those unintended visits are really nothing but empty compliments, with sufficiently ingrained feelings of anxiety and inadequacy the sufferer will take whatever he can get to put the log back in his blog. It is really the zucchini in the trousers of blog enlargement techniques.
For those who do not wish to be fooled into a sideways glance at a zucchini, always enlarge that url before you decide whether to touch it or not: